Agenda item

12/01905 - Adult Social Care Transformation (Decision to be taken by the Cabinet)


1.         Mr Lobban introduced the report and presented a series of slides which set out the context and key aims of the Transformation model, which, he explained is consistent with the Government’s vision for Adult Social Care. He and Mr Ireland highlighted its key aims as:-

·        to deliver better outcomes for clients at less cost.

·        to ensure available funding is directed to the areas which will achieve the best value for money and greater efficiency while maximising client choice.

·        to allow Adult Social Care to fulfil its statutory duties while making a contribution to the £200million deficit faced by the KCC over the next three years. This contribution will need to be substantial as the ASC budget is approximately one-third of the total KCC budget (excluding schools).

He highlighted its key elements and set out the process and timetable for consultation on and implementation of the model and the rationale for asking the Cabinet to agree the Programme Blueprint and Preparation Plan.


2.         Mr Lobban and Mr Ireland then answered questions of detail.  The comments and views expressed by Members included the following:-


a)         the presentation did not make clear or help Members to understand how the Transformation programme fits with the Government’s vision for Social Care;


b)         to achieve good transformation, it is important to avoid bureaucracy;


c)         the number of carers, particularly young carers, in Kent is high and is of great concern;


d)         the KCC would need to be able to check on the quality of care being provided to vulnerable clients by care companies;


e)         the Transformation programme seems to be a way of disguising cuts, and it is misleading to show aspirations for the future which those proposing them do not have to start work on yet.  It supports a political ideology to move away from provision to commissioning;


f)          some parts of the programme refer to using the cheapest option when delivering care; the elderly deserve better than the cheapest option;


g)         Members appear to have very limited involvement and influence in the process, being involved only in the yearly issuing of contracts and again at a yearly monitoring;


h)         the issues raised emphasise the need for people to look ahead and plan for themselves what services they might need and how they wish to access them;


i)          provision of adult social care, and particularly preventative services, is a national issue and needs a national scheme to address it.  It is good to see this document starting to address this;


j)          Kent needs skilled, well-trained care workers to meet the needs of its vulnerable clients.  There is insufficient supply of these workers;


k)         the emphasis on keeping control of finance is good.  Social Services should not be judged solely on its accounts, but it is important to pay attention to accounting, as money saved in one area can be directed to benefit another area;


l)          the Blueprint document provides a good route map for future progress;


m)        the way in which older people are categorised at present needs to be reviewed. There could be three categories – the fit elderly, the frail elderly and those with Dementia;


n)         there are still not enough people taking up Direct Payments; this figure is always a disappointment;


o)         priority areas where the KCC must direct spending are preventative services and carers’ support;


p)         producing the Blueprint is a huge challenge; the courage of those who have drafted the document is to be admired;


q)         there is very little mention of Health in the document, but they must play a part in developing service provision. Mr Scott-Clark explained some of the ways in which Health are involved; and


r)          the document makes no mention of Member involvement but should do. Mr Gibbens advised that he represents Members on the Transformation Board.


3.         Mr Gibbens said the debate had been very helpful. He noted Members’ comments and views and made the following points:-


  • the Blueprint is intended as a framework of how KCC will move forward its care provision and approach things differently; the detail will be developed later;
  • he assured Members that safeguarding is a key priority in which he takes a strong personal interest;
  • the private and voluntary sectors in Kent provide very good services and present the KCC with massive opportunities to explore in terms of service provision;
  • there is much concern in the wider community about issues facing carers, and these issues need to be given greater focus.  As the Blueprint is developed, it is important to address the need for more focus on carers, including young carers, and how this can best be achieved;
  • Adult Social Care has good connections to Health, who have been engaged in the development of the Blueprint. PCT representatives serve on the various Boards which will take forward the Blueprint;
  • he added that he is happy to provide the Committee with an update on the development of the detail of the Plan.


4.         The Committee then voted on whether or not it wished to endorse the decision to be taken by the Cabinet. 


Endorsement of the decision was agreed by 10 votes to 1


5          RESOLVED that the decision to be taken by the Cabinet, to agree the Adult Social Care Transformation Programme Blueprint and Preparation Plan, be endorsed.



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