(Report by Mr M Whiting, Cabinet Member, Education, Learning and Skills and Mr P Leeson, Corporate Director, Education, Learning & Skills)
1. The Chairman invited Mr Whiting and Mr Leeson to give their verbal updates. Mr Whiting began by congratulating Mr Cooke and Mr Ridings on their appointments as Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively. He then highlighting the following:
2. Mr Leeson gave his verbal update and advised Members on the following:-
3. Members were given the opportunity to make comments and ask questions. Points raised included:
a) In reply to a question Mr Leeson advised that every school in Kent below “floor level” was receiving support from KCC. This support was targeted to improve the teaching and the learning. This was done by in service training and teachers sharing best practise. This was well organised and was carried out in partnership with the schools by the Kent Lead Advisory. Mr Leeson agreed to produce a summary of the work being undertaken.
b) In reply to a request Mr Leeson agreed to produce a monitoring report to be submitted at each meeting under Section C of the agenda.
c) In response to a comment, Mr Leeson advised that the Chief Inspector was carrying out a consultation on “satisfactory” to redesignate this to “school requires improvement”. Schools that were “satisfactory” would be regularly inspected, once a term, and if after 3 inspections they had not improved the school would be put into “special measures” which he considered a more robust approach. He considered that it would be possible for a school to improve in one term. Data on the Ofsted inspections would be circulated to Members.
d) In reply to a question, Mr Leeson advised that a school was not inspected on the level of academic achievement alone, that there were other key ingredients including, making “outstanding” or “good” progress, consistent quality of teaching, and evidence of the good progress of the children. A school with low academic achievement can receive “good” or “outstanding”.
e) In response to a request Mr Leeson agreed to provide the data on; how many academies were Primary/Secondary and an update on the recruitment of Headteachers/teachers to a future meeting.
4. RESOLVED that the information presented by Mr Whiting and Mr Leeson and the requests and comments made by Members be noted with thanks.
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