Agenda item

Verbal updates by the Cabinet Member and Directors

To receive a verbal update from the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, the Corporate Director of Social Care, Health and Wellbeing and the Director of Public Health.


Adult Social Care


1.            The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, Mr G K Gibbens, gave a verbal update on the following issues:-


7 February – opened Copperfields Extra Care Housing in Ramsgate. The concept of extra care sheltered housing (ECSH) had developed a lot since the first schemes opened 8 – 10 years ago. It had been good to meet many residents who were happy with their new homes at Copperfields, and the success of the model demonstrated the extent to which older people valued living independently and having their own front door.

23 February – attended Ministerial Roundtable on Carers Strategy and Carer-friendly Communities. This had emphasised the importance of carers’ support as part of the Minister’s role.

Additional funding for social care. He welcomed the announcement in the recent budget of additional government funding for local authorities, to support the provision of social care.    


Mr Gibbens responded to comments and questions from Members, as follows:-


a)      having visited Emily Court, an ECSH facility in Dartford, the facilities of which were praised by the local Member, Mrs A D Allen, Mr Gibbens commented that ECSH offered a secure and supportive place for people with dementia and as such were a valuable part of future dementia care provision; and


b)    in response to a question about the options around ECSH provision, including partnerships with housing associations, Mrs Tidmarsh explained that there were various ways of providing such services, including PFI funding and partnership working with district councils and housing associations, and that schemes offered a  combination of units for sale or rent.  


2.            The Corporate Director of Social Care, Health and Wellbeing, Mr A Ireland, then gave an update on the following issues:-


Feedback from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) Policy Event – 3 February 2017.This event had included discussion of such issues as market engagement, integration with the NHS, and long-term funding solutions and sustainability, and he would ensure that an ADASS seminar in May took account of Kent’s perspective on these issues. 

Update on the Kent and Medway Sustainability Transformation Plan.  Work on this would continue, with the aim of reducing pressure on the hospital sector and enhancing the experience for patients, users and carers. The County Council would work with CCGs to ensure that work streams were brought together.

Care Quality Commission’s inspection of commissioning of adult social care announced.

Care Quality Commission good care guides. These were produced on a range of five subjects and would be made available in the Members’ lounge at Sessions House.  


Responding to a comment, Mr Ireland explained that the Government had been lobbied by national organisations with the view that the additional funding awarded to local authorities for social care provision should instead have been given to them.  It was important that the allocation of that funding be strategic and carefully targeted.  In Kent, the relationship between the County Council and care organisations was good and the latter were largely supportive of the Council’s need to develop care provision.


Adult Public Health


3.            Mr Gibbens then gave a verbal update on the following issues:-


6 February – visit from Duncan Selbie, Chief Executive of Public Health England. Mr Selbie had been very complimentary about the County Council’s work in public health since it took over responsibility for it in April 2013 and acknowledged the ongoing challenge faced by Kent and many other local authorities across the country in addressing health inequalities.

9 March – attended Local Government Association Public Health Conference in London.  At this event it had been announced that the ring-fencing of local authorities’ public health funding would continue until 2019. Discussion had included public health issues for children, especially the prevalence of obesity among Year R children. 


4.            The Director of Public Health,  Mr A Scott-Clark, then gave an update on the following issues:-


Sustainability Transformation Plans (STP).  To what Mr Ireland had said above, Mr Scott-Clark added that the County Council had a statutory duty to support NHS commissioning and to identify priorities.

Local Government Association Suicide Prevention publication.  Mr Scott-Clark thanked Jess Mookherjee, Tim? Woodhouse and Wayne Gough, who had worked on the County Council’s ‘Release the Pressure’ campaign, which had been showcased in the LGA publication.

Darzi Fellow – an NHS clinician who had undertaken a clinical leadership fellowship under the Darzi fellowship would be starting work in the County Council’s PH team in September 2017 for a twelve month placement.


Responding to a question about the possibility of establishing an apprenticeship scheme for healthcare assistants, to boost the profession, Mrs Tidmarsh explained that such a scheme was currently being discussed with the NHS. Discussion would include a possible model, methods of delivery and the likely implications of the scheme. 


Responding to a question about training for nurses and social workers to improve hospital discharge, Mrs Tidmarsh explained that the ‘Home First’, ‘Discharge to Assessment’ and enablement services sought to support timely discharge and return patients home as soon as possible. 


5.            RESOLVED that the verbal updates be noted, with thanks.

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