Agenda item

23/00091 - Kent and Medway Integrated Care Strategy


Jenny Dixon-Sherreard, Policy Officer, was in attendance for this item. 


  1. Dr Ghosh introduced the report and referenced how it was different from the interim strategy that was last brought to the committee. It was noted that the document was a top-line strategy to outline the six shared objectives for the whole Integrated Care System. Dr Ghosh said that extensive engagement with the public, all 12 district councils, parish councils, Health and Care Partnerships, the Police as well as with Kent County Council (KCC) colleagues and workshops with Members had informed the refreshed version. Dr Ghosh said that the next stage was to turn the strategy into action, including through local plans which were in development based on three or four locally identified priorities identified by each District. More work on delivery was expected, and county-wide plans were being developed within KCC and with partners. A named Public Health specialist would be linked with each District to provide Public Health support.  


2.    Jenny Dixon-Sherreard provided some further details. Ms Dixon-Sherreard said that the document had been guided by developing shared outcomes to be delivered by work across all partners. It was noted that the document set out the ambition with work on the details and delivery ongoing with the relevant partners that provided the expertise in their area. It was said that the prevention and the wider determinants of health were central guiding principles of the document. Ms Dixon-Sherreard provided some further detail on the specific outcomes outlined in the document. It was noted on governance that the strategy was owned by the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP). The ICP would recommend the document for approval by the three statutory bodies, KCC, NHS Kent and Medway and Medway Council. It was expected that the ICP would recommend the strategy in December 2023, to be followed by approval from the KCC Cabinet in early January 2024. 


3.    Dr Ghosh said that the ICS was also the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Kent, a statutory requirement of each Health and Wellbeing Board.


4.    In response to comments and questions, it was said. 


(a) A Member raised a concern about the fragmentation of services, as this creates a complex situation for residents to access the services they require. There is a large range of voluntary organisations that is hard to keep across and may leave some residents falling through gaps in the system. Dr Ghosh said that the ICS was about addressing this system challenge. It was noted there were around 3500 of these organisations in operation across the county and the District Council workshops repeatedly raised the need for a directory. Work was ongoing to find a solution to this issue. 


(b) A Member said that the metrics and graphics in the document were very helpful and will be useful to follow in the years ahead to ensure that targets are met. It was asked if more absolute figures could be used in the future. Ms Dixon-Sherreard said that the indicators were currently in draft form and the Public Health teams in Kent and Medway were in the process of finalising them across the system, working with local experts to ensure that robust and realistic targets would be set against each indicator.   


(c) Following a question from a Member, Dr Ghosh said that he would look into adding the health benefits of music into Outcome 2 of the document as schemes for both early years and older people had proved effective. 


(d) Mr Watkins noted that this was an ongoing process, and the report would be presented to other Cabinet Committee between now and the next meeting. Mr Watkins welcomed any further comments to be sent to Ms Dixon-Sherreard. Ms Dixon-Sherreard said that a report on the delivery and implementation of the ICS is planned to be presented to County Council in March next year.   


5.    RESOLVED the Health Reform and Public Health Cabinet Committee agreed to the recommendations as outlined in the report. 


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