Agenda item

Risk Management Adult Social Care and Health


Alison Petters, Risk and Delivery Assurance Manager, was in attendance for this item. 

  1. Alison Petters introduced the report. An overview of the report was provided and the notable changes since last year were highlighted.


  1. In response to comments and questions, it was said.


  1. It was asked how much was being spent on external consultants and when would their reports be available. Richard Smith said that specialist support for some pieces of work was required and delivered value for money. The cost of the consultants would be circulated outside the meeting.


  1. A Member expressed concern that the Council was not actively engaging with providers which was required to help mitigate risks. Richard Smith said that they were aware of the challenges that providers were facing. It was said that engagement was occurring on a regular basis and fee uplifts could only be provided in line with what had been budgeted.


  1. It was asked what the Council's provider of last resort was if the risk of provider failure or market sustainability failure was realised. Richard Smith said that it was difficult to give an answer for the whole of Kent as different areas had different needs and challenges. The local authority would be the provider of last resort. Mark Albiston said that work was ongoing examining the quality of the market and how resources can be realigned to provide support while working alongside the regulator.


  1. A Member asked if each individual risk could be aggregated into a top-line risk. Alison Petters said that the Corporate Risk Register was an aggregation of all the risks held across the whole organisation. Richard Smith said that Adult Social Care would continue to be a high-risk environment for the foreseeable future. Mark Albiston said that they would look to provide clarity on which areas of Kent faced higher risk.


  1. It was asked how the risks were being controlled now and how much was based on future implementation of strategies. Richard Smith reassured Members that work was constantly ongoing on managing risk and looking into mitigations. Mark Albiston said that the team prioritised work based on the level of risk on an ongoing basis.


  1. A concern was expressed that decisions being taken by the Council, and some of the savings outlined in the budget, were aggravating the risks and if an analysis of this had been undertaken. It was also asked how this would be monitored going forward. Richard Smith noted that judgements based on risk were being taken daily and that taking resources out of adult social care was a risk but required for the sustainability of the Council. Mr Watkins said that difficult decisions had to be made and that the risks did inform the decision-making process.


  1. Richard Smith said that the Adult Social Care budget would be in the public domain soon and would check when this becomes available. It was noted that the £12 million received from the central Government would be split equally between adults and children’s social care. £1.5 million was earmarked for transformation and the rest to rebase the budget.


  1. Asked about workforce recruitment and retention and if the Council could make better use of the assets at its disposal. Sydney Hill said that a national recruitment campaign would start soon focussed on recruiting social workers and occupational therapists and there was also ongoing work to highlight the benefits of living in Kent, growing the workforce through links with universities in Kent, supporting newly qualified social workers and increasing the apprenticeship offer from every three years to annually. Mark Albiston said there were some clear and immediate workforce challenges which impacted on the ability to deliver all statutory services. It was said that market premiums in other areas, not just London were contributing to a large pay gap. The areas with the biggest challenges had been identified and would be targeted with eh support of external companies.


  1. Richard Smith said that both the ICB and local authorities were under financial pressure but were working on creating a joined-up financial arrangement and a joint out-of-hospital service between community trust and local authority staff. Need to shift the conversation on hospital discharge from discharge to prevention. (REVIEW)


  1. RESOLVED the Adult Social Care Cabinet Committee considered and commented on the risks presented.


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