Agenda item

Kent County Council's support for Apprenticeships, Community Learning and Skills in the context of the Kent economy


Mr David Smith, Economic Advisor, and Mr Mike Rayner, The Education People, were in attendance for this item.


1.         Mr Murphy introduced the item and Mr Smith introduced the report and explained that a similar presentation would be considered by CYPE Cabinet Committee. In addition, a paper would be submitted to the Employment Taskforce which brings together the organisations across Kent responsible for apprenticeships, community learning and skills, including Kent County Council and Medway Council.


3.         Mr Mike Rayner from The Education People provided a presentation, a copy of which was appended to the report.


4.         Members commented that most employers in Kent were small businesses, asked how a small business could apply for an apprenticeship and questioned the opportunities that were available to young people who were not academic. Mr Smith said gaining skills through apprenticeships was a route for those without academic qualifications and the paper looked at practical ways that small businesses could take on apprenticeships, for example improving the way the apprenticeship levy was shared and methods of advertising apprenticeships. He said a practical programme would be developed over the next few months.


5.         Members discussed the level of education and skills within the UK compared to elsewhere in Europe, the attitude towards obtaining academic qualifications, and the adequacy of the career advice service in schools. The importance of building relationships with companies to ensure a county wide plan and to provide opportunities to join national companies was stressed. Mr Smith said there was a challenge in relation to the lifestyle and career ambitions of young people and schools were an important element of this. A programme would begin with schools to address the challenges.


6.         Members discussed the need for collaborative working between schools, students, and businesses to inspire young people to work in particular areas and take on vocational training.  


7.         A Member asked what systems were in place for identifying 16-18 year olds who were NEET (not in education, employment or training) and Mr Rayner said this was the responsibility of The Education People and a NEET support service was in place.


8.         A Member commented that Local Skills Improvements Plans (LSIPs) were crucial in terms of local leadership and ensuring the issue was addressed in a geographical way.


9.         A Member stressed the importance of encouraging employers to base their businesses in Kent and bring up the level of education and skills in the workforce. Mr Smith said this was a competitive market and referred to the Kent and Medway Business Fund and the Inward Investment Agencies who dealt with companies who wanted to move to or expand their business in Kent. Connections with colleges meant specific courses could be created to enhance specific skills.


10.       A Member suggested obtaining the views of school leavers as to what they feel they could have benefitted from at school and what was missing.


11.       Members welcomed the presentation and supported the action points within the report.  


RESOLVED to comment on the suggested actions being taken to meet current challenges and note the report.


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