Agenda item

Financial Hardship Programme


Lucy Alesbrook (Financial Hardship Programme Manager), Victoria Lawrence-Rose (Programme Officer, Financial Hardship Programme) and John Betts ( Interim Corporate Director Finance) were in attendance for this item.


1.    The Leader introduced the report which provided a high-level overview of the support provided in response to the ongoing financial pressures, focussing in particular on the work being funded by the Helping Hands Scheme, and the delivery of the Department of Work and Pensions’ Household Support Fund. The report also outlined the work delivered through these schemes to support the uptake of Pension Credit in the county. The Leader thanked the officers for their tremendous hard work which had enabled the programme to operate beyond its initial timeline, March 2025, but also the exceptional degree of work that had been undertaken in response to the government’s announcements in relation to the Winter Fuel Payments and the work that had been done within this area to raise awareness and provide help to eligible residents.


2.    Ms Alesbrook (Financial Hardship Programme Manager), and Ms Lawrence-Rose presented a series of slides which provided an update on the Financial Hardship Programme, including an overview of the Impact Report.


3.    Further to comments and questions from Members it was noted:


·         Members paid tribute to the team for their outstanding work which supported residents in hardship, along with the excellent material provided as part of the report which brought case studies to life. It was essential that all efforts continued to ensure funding was received from Government to support the work being done as part of the Helping Hands Scheme. It was an incredible achievement to date.


·         Comments were made in regard to the government’s decision to withdraw the winter fuel allowance which would have a detrimental impact on millions of pensioners. And whilst a considerable amount of promotional work had been undertaken to increase awareness and provide help to those who would be eligible for Pension Credit, there remained a large number of households which would potentially miss out on receiving additional funding. The concern remained around those people who were not aware of their entitlement.


·         Members commented on the collaborative effort of the scheme which also complemented the work undertaken within the voluntary sector.


·         In response to the allocation of the Household Support Fund, it was confirmed that early open discussions would be held with districts and boroughs as to the amount they receive. A decision would then be taken locally as to how the districts and boroughs provide funding to residents. Some would choose to provide funding directly to residents where details were known, others worked closely with the voluntary sector. There was a huge array of activity around the funding mechanisms used and Ms Alesbrook confirmed that a further report would be circulated to Members outside of the meeting with further detail.


4.    The Leader noted the evolution of the Household Support Fund since its commencement and assurance was provided that funding would be used to both target and enhance the resilience and resources of Kent’s residents. The Leader confirmed that the Financial Hardship programme would be brought back to Cabinet at a later date.


5.    RESOLVED that Cabinet note the report.


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