Issue - decisions

18/00024(a) - Kent Broadband Voucher Scheme & 18/00024(b) - Investment of additional gainshare funding to increase superfast broadband coverage (BDUK Phase 2 Project Extension)

25/06/2018 - 18/00024(a) - Kent Broadband Voucher Scheme & 18/00024(b) - Investment of additional gainshare funding to increase superfast broadband coverage (BDUK Phase 2 Project Extension)

18/00024(a): Kent Broadband Voucher Scheme


As Cabinet Member for Economic Development, I agree to establish and launch a Kent Broadband Voucher Scheme.




18/00024(b): Investment of additional gainshare funding to increase superfast broadband coverage (BDUK Phase 2 Project Extension)


As Cabinet Member for Economic Development, I agree to invest the £4.545 million of additional available gainshare funding to increase superfast broadband coverage across Kent by extending the Broadband Delivery UK Phase 2 contract.