Issue - decisions

19/00050 - A20 Coldharbour Roundabout Improvement

17/10/2019 - 19/00050 - A20 Coldharbour Roundabout Improvement

As Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport & Waste I agree to:


(a)  give approval to the outline design scheme for the A20 Coldharbour roundabout in Tonbridge & Malling for development control and land charge disclosures, drawing number CLDHBR-CAP-HGN-00-DR-C-0035 S3-P01;


(b)  give approval to progress all statutory approvals or consents required for the scheme, drawing number CLDHBR-CAP-HGN-00-DR-C-0035 S3-P01;


(c)  give approval to enter into land agreements with third parties as necessary;


(d)  give approval to enter into construction contracts as necessary for the delivery of the scheme subject to the approval of the Infrastructure Construction Board to the recommended procurement strategy,


(e)  give approval to undertake engagement with all relevant stakeholders as identified in the communication plan; and


(f)   investigate the inclusion of full/part time signalisation as part of the design for the A20 Coldharbour roundabout.