Issue - decisions

20/00024 - Local Growth Fund Round 3b Third Party Scheme - Kent and Medway Medical School

23/03/2020 - 20/00024 - Local Growth Fund Round 3b Third Party Scheme - Kent and Medway Medical School

As Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, I approve the progression, via KCC’s Local Growth Fund arrangements, for the Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), allowing it to progress to the stages of development and delivery to enable the scheme funding to be spent by March 2020.


Specifically, tis comprises approval for:


-       KCC to act as the accountable body for the project

-       KCC to enter into a Local Growth Fund (LGF) funding agreement; and

-       KCC to enter into legal agreements with the relevant third parties delivering the schemes to transfer the conditions of the LGF spend and project management to them


I also agree to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of GET, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Finance and Procurement, to enter into relevant legal agreements and take other actions necessary to implement this decision.