Issue - decisions

21/00007 Urban Traffic Management and Control (UTMC) Project

08/02/2021 - 21/00007 Urban Traffic Management and Control (UTMC) Project

As Cabinet Member for Highways & Transport, I give approval to accept the capital grant from Ebbsfleet Development Company and to take the UTMC project through the stages of development and specifically for:


i.         Approval for KCC to enter into a funding agreement with EDC subject to the approval of the Corporate Director of Finance, Corporate & Strategic Services


ii.        Approval to undertake the design and surveys for the UTMC project. The design work will be undertaken by the KCC Traffic & Network Solutions team.


iii.       Approval to progress all statutory approvals or consents required for the schemes, including transfer of land and rights;


iv.       Approval to carry out any additional consultation required for the scheme;


v.        Approval to enter into construction contracts as necessary for the delivery and future maintenance of the scheme;


vi.       Approval for any further decisions required to allow the scheme to proceed through to delivery to be taken by the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment & Transport under the Officer Scheme of Delegations following prior consultation with the Cabinet Member