Issue - decisions

24/00054 - Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report – Outturn 2023-24

20/06/2024 - 24/00054 - Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report – Outturn 2023-24

The Cabinet agree to:


a)    note the capital and revenue outturn position for 2023-24; and

b)    agree that £2.097m is rolled forward to fund existing criteria (as per Appendix 1); and

c)    agree that £0.675m is rolled forward to fund Member grants (as per Appendix 1); and

d)    agree the drawing down of £12.372m from Smoothing reserves to fund the 2023-24 overspend; and

e)    agree the £198.2m of capital slippage/re-phasing from 2023-24 will be added to the 2024-25 and later years capital budgets (as per Section 11 and Appendix 2); and

f)     note the review of the capital programme; and

g)    agree the proposed capital cash limit changes totalling £86.180m (as per Appendix 3); and

h)    agree the changes made as a result of the Reserves Review (as per Appendix 4)