Issue details

Land Registry Tunbridge Wells - 10/01546

Please note that pending clarification on the details of the CSR and discussions with partners on the future of Total Place, it is felt best to delay the decision on Forest Court that was published on the 18 October 2010 at this time. An update will follow in due course.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Item Deferred

Department: Chief Executives Directorate

Contact: Tanya Oliver, Director of Strategic Development and Public Access Email: Tel: 01622 694817.


Informing Only

Who and when?

Cabinet, Group Leaders and Local Members as part of the overall Work Place Transformation programme


Who is it necessary to consult?

Formal consultation will be required for any staff who will be affected by potential moves in this area. Informal discussions and consultations with elected members


Has the matter already been discussed by a Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Committee?:

Work Place Transformation is a regular item on the Corporate Policy Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Land Registry will form part of the next update (the last update was July 2010).   Land Registry formed part of the Total Place submission to government that was discussed at the 8 April Corporate POSC


Is the matter referred to in your Business Plan or Medium Term Capital Programme?

The principle to find a solution for office accommodation in the South West Kent area is in the business plan


Closing date for consultation/receiving comments:

Staff consultation depends on the timescales for moving therefore is yet to be confirmed

Financial implications: Tanya Oliver - Director Strategic Development & Public Access

Legal implications: 10/01546

Equalities implications: The value of the lease is more than £100k per annum, therefore is outside the delegated decision level
