Issue details

Young Carers Strategy - Invisible People

A multi-agency strategy to improve outcomes for young carers across Kent  

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Implemented

Decision due: April 2008 by Cabinet Member for Education, Learning & Skills

Department: Children, Families and Education Directorate

Contact: Michael Thomas-Sam, Corporate Lead Adult's and Children's Policy and Strategy Email: Tel: 03000 417238, Andrew Hickmott, Head of Children's Services, West Kent Email: Tel: 01233 652145, Amanda Hornsby, Policy Officer Email: Tel: 01622 694540.

Consultation process

As above


Wide multi-agency consultation has taken place during the last year.  Consultation also including KASS SMT, CFE SMT, CMY SMT, Select Committee, Kent Children’s Trust Board

Financial implications: 25th January 2008

Legal implications: 08/01135


  • Select Committee Report On Carers, December 2007