Issue details

Managing Events on the Highway - 12/01934

Agree policy for Kent County Council’s involvement in the management of events on the highway, following the Police’s recent withdrawal of support for the management of traffic.


How the decision  relates to BS4K and Corporate Objectives:

Events are an important part of Kent’s culture and often impact or take place on the Highway. These events need to be accommodated in a manner that causes the least disruption to highway users whilst still enabling the event to take place wherever possible.


The decision therefore relates to delivering ‘Growth without Gridlock’ by promoting Kent and enhancing its cultural and sporting offer for residents and local businesses.


Impact/costs and risks of proposed decision:

The potential cost impact to Kent could be significant if financial support is offered or expected to be provided to each individual event. Staff already cover events in and advisory and consultee capacity working with other agencies.


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Implemented

Decision due: 30 Jul 2012 by Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste

Department: Growth, Environment & Transport

Contact: Chris Seare, Highways and Transportation Email:

Consultation process




Aims and level(s) of consultation (KCC consultation levels attached)


Key consultee groups


Start and finish dates of consultation.


Equalities Impact Assessment included in the consultation documentation. Please state where this can be found.


Date of publication of consultation outcomes and updated Equalities Impact Assessment

Informing Only (Who and when)

Event organisers, District Councils, and Police and publishing on website when policy agreed.


Has the matter already been discussed by a Cabinet Committee? If not when will be it discussed by the Cabinet Committee and the date of the meeting

No, scheduled for July 2012 meeting


Is the matter referred to in your Business Plan or Medium Term Capital Programme?



Which Members and electoral Divisions are affected by this proposed decision? Is it All Members?

All members


Financial implications: Chris Seare, Highways and Transportation,

Legal implications: 12/01934

Equalities implications: N/a
