Issue details

Every Day Matters: Kent County Council’s Children and Young People’s Strategic Plan 2013-2016

Every Day Matters: Kent County Council’s Children and Young People’s Strategic Plan 2013-2016.


Decision needed:

To approve the adoption of the draft Every Day Matters: Kent County Council’s Children and Young People’s Strategic Plan 2013-2016, as the overarching framework for children’s services.


How the decision  relates to BS4K and Corporate Objectives

The overarching framework provides a single vision, priorities and shared understanding of need and performance across children’s services. Specifically improving outcomes for children and young people

in relation to:

  • delivering corporate objectives of service transformation
  • integrated and joined-up services and
  • better use of resources.


Impact/costs and risks of proposed decision

The related implementation plans and associated service transformation provide basis for handling costs and risks issues. The decision may reduce risks, if any, of KCC being criticised by an external scrutiny body such as Ofsted.


Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Division affected: (All Division);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/02/2013

Department: Social Care, Health & Wellbeing

Contact: Michael Thomas-Sam, Corporate Lead Adult's and Children's Policy and Strategy Tel: 01622 696116 e-mail: e-mail: Tel: 03000 417238.


Key partner agencies represented on the Kent Children and Young People’s Joint Commissioning Board.

The Social Care and Public Health Cabinet Committee considered and endorsed the draft strategy and proposed decision at its meeting held on 21 March 2013.


Is the matter referred to in your Business Plan or Medium Term Capital Programme?

It is referenced in the draft Specialist Children’s Services Business Plan 2013/14.


Which Members and electoral Divisions are affected by this proposed decision? Is it All Members?



Financial implications: Michael Thomas-Sam, Strategic Business Adviser - FSC, Business Strategy 01622 696116

Legal implications: 13/00001

Equalities implications: Significance to more than one division
