Decision: To agree the appointment of a partner organisation for the Children’s 0-25 Unified Programme Implementation Phase.
Transforming Children’s Services will improve outcomes for vulnerable children. Additionally, efficiency savings will be realised as a result of reducing need for expensive specialist and institutionalising services. The development of a full business case for Implementation has been a key outcome from the previous Service Design Phase, with implementable savings of between £17.7m and £28.2m.
The programme has been a success to date, and has led to the identification and testing of opportunities to improve outcomes and deliver efficiency savings. Newton Europe has worked closely with the 0-25 Portfolio Board throughout and has demonstrated an ability to create and embed changes to policy and practice in an operational environment.
Due to the complexity of the business, the knowledge that Newton Europe has built up during the Programme, and their track record to date, it is proposed that KCC procure (single source) Newton Europe for the Implementation Phase, through the HTE framework.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure or savings of more than £1m;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Division affected: (All Division);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/12/2014
Department: Social Care, Health & Wellbeing
Contact: Thom Wilson, Head of Strategic Commissioning (Children's) 03000 416850 Email:
The 0-25 Portfolio Programme and previous work with the partner
organisation has been discussed and endorsed at the
Children’s Social Care and Health Cabinet Committee.
The 20 Jan 2015 Children’s Social Care &
Health Cabinet Committee considered the proposed decision, the
associated report and the presentation given by officers. The
committee welcomed the progress being made, but recognised the
further work that was still needed.
The committee endorsed the proposed decision, taking into account the comments made by the committee which are set out in full in the accompanying recommendation report.
Financial implications: Thom Wilson, Head of Strategic Commissioning Tel: 03000 416850
Legal implications: 14/00138