Issue details

Blackburn Lodge Care Home, Sheerness - proposal to work with the market to develop alternative services with a final outcome of closure of the care home Blackburn Lodge, Sheerness

Proposed decision: Subject to the outcome of consultation, to agree that the County Council:

1.      Identify and work with suitable partners to develop alternative services on the Isle of Sheppey

2.      Transfer residents to alternative provision

3.      Close Blackburn Lodge


The proposed decision relates to Corporate Objectives and there are a number of strategies and frameworks that need to be considered:

·         Increasing Opportunities, Improving Outcomes: Kent County Council’s Strategic Statement 2015 – 2020

·         The Care Act 2014

·         KCC Adult Social Care Transformation Programme

·         Facing the Challenge: Delivering Better Outcomes

·         The Kent Accommodation Strategy which is the over-riding Market Position Statement for Kent

Financial Implications:

The associated costs and financial implications of the proposal to re-provide services from Blackburn Lodge into new services will need to be fully worked up.  It is not yet known how the market will formally respond. There will need to be a continued maintenance programme to meet health and safety requirements while the home is open and continued operational budgets to support the running of the home.

Legal Implications:

The County Council has a statutory responsibility to accommodate people assessed as requiring residential care services. There is a duty to make sure that all care home provision in which the Council places residents is safeguarding individuals and that effective contract management is in place.

Equality Implications:

An Equalities Impact Assessment has been completed for the overall project. Individual EqIAs will be completed to accompany the recommendation report and proposed decision.

The matter is referred to in the Directorate Business Plan/Medium Term Capital Programme.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure or savings of more than £1m;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Division affected: Sheppey;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/01/2016

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - View reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Part of the supporting paperwork will contain commercially-sensitive information

Decision due: Not before 8th Feb 2016 by Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health
Reason: in order that the proposed decision can be published fora minimum of 28 days, in accordance with statutory requirements

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health

Lead director: Mark Lobban

Department: Social Care, Health & Wellbeing

Contact: Christy Holden, Assistant Director for CYPE Commissioning 03000 415356.


At its meeting on 11 September 2015, the Adult Social Care and Health Cabinet Committee was given the opportunity to comment on the proposals before the start of formal public consultation.  The Committee resolved that the proposal for consultation be endorsed.


An update on the formal consultation process was provided to the Adult Social Care and Health Cabinet Committee on 3 December 2015.


The proposed decision was discussed at the Adult Social Care and Health Cabinet Committee Meeting on 14 January 2016.


Officers introduced the report and responded to comments and questions from Members, as follows:-

a)    the County Council owned the Blackburn Lodge care home, however a covenant on the site from the Ministry of Defence stated that the site should be used for health and social care purposes only. The County Council had approached the MoD to have the covenant lifted, however this was not currently seen as a priority; and

b)    as part of the Equality Impact Assessment which the County Council had carried out, every service user likely to be affected by the proposed closure would have a personalised review to assess the impact upon them.


The Cabinet Member, Mr Gibbens, thanked Members for their comments and said that he viewed the proposed changes as a positive move forward for social care provision on the Isle of Sheppey. He said he had long been concerned about the lack of nursing care facilities on the island and stated his commitment to addressing this issue.


RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, to:

a)    close Blackburn Lodge, once suitable alternative provision is established on the Isle of Sheppey; and

b)    delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Social Care, Health and Wellbeing, or other nominated officer, to undertake the necessary actions to implement the decision,


taking account of the comments made by this committee, be endorsed.


Other consultation planned or undertaken:


The County Council has a duty to undertake formal consultation on any proposed changes to services. The procedure for consultation on modernisation/variation or closure of establishments for Social Care will be followed.


A range of stakeholders have been informed in writing and invited to comment on the proposal.


A meeting was held with staff, residents of the home and their relatives, and the minutes of this meeting have been circulated to all participants and posted on the consultation webpage.


The 12 week consultation period for the modernisation of our Older Persons’ Provision concluded on 20 December 2015. Residents, carers, staff, unions and relevant bodies have           been involved with meetings and their views have been       considered.


The consultation concerning Blackburn Lodge received a total of 90 responses. A summary of the responses is set out in the accompanying recommendation report.



Financial implications: Christy Holden, Head of Commissioning (Accommodation) 03000 415356

Legal implications: 16/00005


Agenda items