Issue details

The Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30

Following the Planning Inspectorate's Examination of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan, to accept the Planning inspector's recommendations and recommend to Cabinet and Full council the adoption of the Plan.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than two Electoral Divisions;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Division affected: (All Division);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/01/2016

Decision due: Not before 24th Mar 2016 by County Council
Reason: The County Council has a statutory responsibility to plan for future minerals supply and waste management in Kent and to prepare a Development Plan under the Town and Country Planning legislation.

Following the Planning Inspectorate's Examination of the Minerals ad Waste Local Plan, to accept the Planning Inspector's recommendations and recommend to Cabinet and Full Council the adoption of the Plan.

Lead member: County Council

Lead director: Katie Stewart

Department: Growth, Environment & Transport

Contact: Sharon Thompson, Head of Planning Applications Group 03000413468 Email: Tel: 01622 696131.

Consultation process

Legal implications: The County Council has a legal obligation under the Town and Country Planning legislation to prepare a statutory Development Plan.

It is worth noting that if the County Council fails to adopt a Local Plan by March 2017 it may run the risk of the Government intervening and taking over the plan-making process.

Equality implications: An Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA) has been carried out and no equality implications have been identified.

Financial Implications: No direct financial implications.


The preparation of the Plan has been the culmination of some 10 year's work with stakeholder engagement throughout the process.

Consultation to date has involved engagement and collaboration with communities, local organisations and businesses. Public consultation was held for each stage of the plan-making process. It has also been prepared in cooperation with Kent's districts, neighbouring authorities, parish councils and other minerals and waste planning authorities that may be affected by the strategies and policies of the Plan.

As part of the Local Plan preparation the Council has demonstrated that it has met the 'duty to cooperate' obligation as set out in the Localism Act (2011) and the National Planning Policy Framework (2012).


All Members are affected because the Plan contains the overarching strategy and planning policies for future planning decisions affecting the whole of the County.


Local Members have been notified at each stage of the preparation of the Plan.  Most recently, members were notified of the Proposed Modifications consultations which ran between August and October 2015.


Cabinet previously endorsed the Pre-Submission Draft Kent Mineral and Waste Local Plan (MWLP) at the meeting held on 14 October 2013, prior to its submission to the Full Council on 12 December 2013 where it resolved to approve to submit the Plan to the Secretary of State subject to:


1.    A six week period of public consultation;

2.    No material objections being received during the public consultation; and

3.    The Director of Planning and Environment being given delegated powers to approve any non-material changes to the MWLP in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport following on from the public consultation and to agree any amendments to the MWLP during the Examination in Public for submission to the appointed Planning Inspector, if these amendments are likely to resolve objections.


Financial implications: Sharon Thompson Head of Planning Applications 03000413468 Katie Stewart Director of Environment, Planning and Enforcement 03000418827

Legal implications: 15/00113