Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects more than two Electoral Divisions;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Division affected: (All Division);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/08/2016
Contact: Carol Valentine, Highway Manager 03000 413479 and 03000 413843 Email: Tel: 07917 454165.
Consultation process
Financial implications
The allocated budget for winter service for 2016/17 is £3,263,100. £1,249,571 of this budget is allocated for 66 pre-cautionary salting runs on the primary network. £20,000 is allocated for the purchase of additional salt bins. The balance of the budget £1,908,729 is for plant, equipment, salt and other resources necessary to deliver the service, including the weather forecast service. This sum does not include an allowance for a snow emergency. Risk- in the event of a prolonged period(s) of snow the cost to KCC could rise significantly.
It is also proposed that any future winter service budget underspend is internally ring-fenced to be used for a second weed spray in the following financial year and be treated as a committed roll forward.
Legal Implications
The statutory basis for Winter Service in England and Wales is Section 41(1A) of the Highways Act 1980, modified on 31st October 2003 by Section 111 of the Railways and Transport Act 2003
Equalities implications
The Winter Service policy prioritizes ice and snow clearance on the major roads in the County to enable as many people as possible to continue to go about their daily business. Additionally local winter service plans have been developed for local more rural areas utilizing local farmers to clear snow when necessary. Within these plans there is provision for clearing areas that are used by vulnerable people including the elderly and young people. Local communities, principally parish councils, are also provided with a salt/sand mix for use in their area during snow days. An equality impact assessment will be carried out on the policy prior to the commencement of the winter season.
Local district winter plans go to Joint Transportation Board for discussion.
Also to be considered at the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee meeting on 7 September 2016.
Financial implications: Carol Valentine Highway Manager 03000 413843 Roger Wilkin Director Highways Transportation and Waste 03000 413479
Legal implications: 16/00076