From April 2017, a new Apprenticeship Levy will be charged on all employers with a pay bill of over £3 million. This is intended to support the Government in meeting its target for additional Apprenticeship starts and to incentivise employers to invest in training.
This paper to the GROWTH ENVIRONMENT AND COMMUNIITIES CABINET COMMITTEE ON 12 OCTOBER 2016 summarises how the Apprenticeship Levy will work and what the impact is likely to be on KCC and on other employers in Kent. Representatives from the EEF, the manufacturing employers’ organisation, have been invited to attend the Cabinet Committee to explain how private sector employers will be affected and to discuss KCC’s potential role.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Division affected: (All Division);
Department: Growth, Environment & Transport
Contact: 03000 417077 Email: Tel: 01622 221312.
Financial implications: Ross Gill Economic Strategy and Policy Manager Telephone: 03000 417077 Email:
Legal implications: 16/00108