Issue details

16/00124 Statement of Community Involvement for Kent Minerals and Waste Plan and Planning Applications determined by the County Council

To endorse the revised Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) for public consultation and to authorise the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment and Transport to publish the Statement of Community Involvement for public consultation




Kent County Council is required to have in pace a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) setting out how the community can influence planning application decisions for mineral and waste management development and community projects determined by the County Council and its work in preparing a Mineral and Waste Sites Plan including any future Plan reviews. These Sites Plans are part of the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan (Kent MWLP) which was adopted by the County Council in July 2016.


The work associated with the Minerals and Waste Sites Plans and planning applications has potential implications for both residents and businesses within Kent. It is therefore important that the SCI is up to date and tailored to suit the needs of Kent’s communities.


A SCI for the plan making and planning application functions of the County Council was first produced in 2006 and was replaced in 2011. Addendum documents partially refreshed the document in 2013 and 2014 to reflect legislation and Kent MWLP timescale changes. With the adoption of the Kent MWLP and the new focus on the Mineral and Waste Sites Plans work, revisions to planning applications processes and a shift towards greater electronic engagement, a further refresh of the SCI is required. The revised SCI will continue to provide opportunities for community involvement in planning matters and enable public consultation to be carried out in an efficient and effective manner.


How the proposed decision meets the objectives of ‘Increasing Opportunities, Improving Outcomes: Kent County Council’s Strategic Statement (2015-2020)


The revised SCI will ensure that the County Council engages, involves and consults with its communities to support the evidence base for delivering sound planning decisions and the Kent MWLP Site Plan work. These activities support the County Council’s Strategic Statement across all objectives, but particularly Strategic Outcome 2 – Kent Communities feel the benefits of economic growth by being in work, healthy and enjoying a good quality of life.


Financial Implications


The costs of preparing the SCI are included in the Environment, Planning and Enforcement Division’s budget. There is an expectation by Government (DCLG) that all planning authorities have an up to date local plan in place. Without an adopted plan, there is a risk that DCLG will step in as the plan making authority, reducing local accountability.


Legal Implications


The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (s18) requires the County Council to produce an SCI.


Equalities implications      


The SCI seeks to ensure that all sectors of the community are able to engage with the planning application and plan making processes on mineral and waste management mattes undertaken by the County Council. An EqIA will be undertaken to support the SCI work

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than two Electoral Divisions;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Division affected: (All Division);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/11/2016

Department: Growth, Environment & Transport

Contact: Sharon Thompson, Head of Planning Applications Group 03000 413468 Email: Tel: 01622 696131.


The draft document has been discussed informally by an informal Members Group for the Kent MWLP appointed by the Cabinet Member. The SCI is to be discussed at the 17 November 2016 Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee, and subject to its views and that of the Cabinet Member, public consultation is to be undertaken in the Autumn.

Financial implications: Lead officer: Sharon Thompson job title; Head of Planning Applications Phone number: 03000 413468 E-mail

Legal implications: 16/00124


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