Issue details

17/00030 (a) (b) & (c) - Community Support Services - contract continuations

To continue service provision under existing contracts for the following community support services:

a)     Housing Related Support (HRS), including services for:

o    Older Persons Housing Related Support and Community Alarms

o    People with Learning and/or Physical Disabilities

o    Home Improvement Agencies

People with Mental Health Needs; (Homelessness and Offenders)

b)   Homecare

c)     Supporting Independence Service (SIS)


It was originally envisaged that all three services would be included in one decision but, owing to timing issues, the Housing Related Support element (Part (a)) was taken 22/03/2017 with parts (b) and (c) to follow before June 2017.


Given the freedoms set out in the Care Act 2014, since these contracts started, and the Council’s strategy for adult social care, ‘Your Life Your Wellbeing’, there is now an opportunity to move to greater integration with health services. To achieve this, it is desirable to extend these services’ contracts to a single end date.


This will help achieve the corporate objectives of:

·               Strategic Outcome

·               Older and vulnerable residents are safe and supported with choices to live independently


Supporting Outcomes

·               Those with long term conditions are supported to manage their conditions through access to good quality care and support

·               People with mental health issues and dementia are assessed and treated earlier and are supported to live well

·               Families and carers of vulnerable and older people have access to the advice, information and support they need

·               Older and vulnerable residents feel socially included

·               More people receive quality care at home avoiding unnecessary admissions to hospital and care homes

·               The health and social care system works together to deliver high quality community services

·               Residents have greater choice and control over the health and social care services they receive


Your Life Your Wellbeing - providing the strategic direction to move towards full integration with the NHS by 2020.                  

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure or savings of more than £1m;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Division affected: (All Division);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/03/2017

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - View reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
supporting material will include commercially-sensitive information

Decision due: Not before 22nd Apr 2017 by Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health
Reason: in order that the proposed decision can be publisahed for a minimum of 28 days, in accordance with statrutory requirements

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health

Lead director: Mark Lobban

Department: Social Care, Health & Wellbeing

Contact: Christy Holden, Assistant Director for CYPE Commissioning 03000 415393 / 03000 415356, Emma Hanson, Senior Commissioning Manager Email: Tel: 01622 696611.


It was originally envisaged that all three services would be included in one decision but, owing to timing issues, part (a) was taken 22/03/2017 with parts (b) and (c) to follow before June 2017.


The Housing Related Support element (Part (a)) was discussed by the Adult Social Care and Health Cabinet Committee on 14 March 2017 and the outcome of that meeting included in the Record of Decision which the Cabinet Member signed when the decision was taken on 22 March 2017.


Parts (b) and (c) were discussed by the Adult Social Care Cabinet Committee on 9 June 2017, and the outcome of that meeting included in the paperwork which the Cabinet Member has now signed.


Other consultation planned or undertaken:

·        Full consultation and engagement for Your Life Your Wellbeing

·        Provider engagement on Transformation of Adult Social Care

·        Future engagement with the market and service users will be undertaken regarding the new services as this will be crucial to the success of transformation and integration.



Financial implications: The total annual value of the proposed contract extensions is £100m. Detailed breakdown of the duration of extensions and amounts per service area contract will be included in the report which accompanies the proposed decision. The matter is referred to in the 2017/18 Business Plan

Legal implications: Continuing these services through their existing contracts to a common end date will require going beyond the current contracts’ end dates for varying durations. Work is being done with Legal Services to understand and mitigate relevant risks and to ensure that the continuation of service provision takes place with the least disruption to those receiving the services. Further information will be included in the report.

Equalities implications: This decision will maintain continuity of service to people with protected characteristics. No adverse implications are expected and an Equality Impact assessment will be undertaken as part of the recommendation report.


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