Issue details

24/00074 - Ukraine Co-operation

Proposed decision


Leader of the Council to approve the Ukraine Co-operation arrangements and to authorise the entering into the relevant MOU with the Chernihiv Regional Government.



Reason for the decision


The Executive supports the ongoing Member led activity of engaging with charitable groups and community organisations across Kent. 


The progression to the entering into an MOU with the relevant Ukrainian authorities, under the authority of a KCC key decision, provides corporate support and represents the policy choice being made to formalise KCC’s commitment to work with partners and support Members in developing community led and delivered programmes of support and relief.


The decision does not authorise the commitment of KCC resources.


Background – Provide brief additional context


Around the UK, a small number of Local Authorities have entered into agreements with regions of Ukraine to establish connections, identify opportunities to offer support and to work with partners to facilitate relief and assistance.


Chernihiv is a region in northern Ukraine, bordering both the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. This places the region on the frontline of the conflict and the damage inflicted by the war will require recovery over a number of years.


KCC will act as a co-ordinating body to encourage, facilitate where appropriate and promote relevant support activity in Kent.



Options (other options considered but discarded)


KCC was under no duty to enter into these arrangements.  It was viable for KCC to take no action in this area but this could have potentially limited the scope for co-ordination of the positive community led work already taking place in Kent.


How the proposed decision supports the Framing Kent's Future - Our Council Strategy 2022-2026


-      The decision includes the entering into an MOU which has longer term aspirations to support improved connections between Kent and Chernihiv, including promoting engagement and development between youth organisations, the charitable sector and tourism.  This supports the Levelling Up priority of Framing Kent’s Future.

-      The shorter term initiatives around supporting relief and aid activity to alleviate the suffering from the war in Ukraine does not involve commitment of KCC resources.


How the proposed decision supports Securing Kent’s Future 2022 -2026: Securing Kents Future - Budget Recovery Strategy.pdf


-      The decision relates to the entering into an MOU which does not commit KCC to the deployment of resources or spend.  The approach seeks to balance the political desire to support Ukraine with the financial limitations on the Council and the need to emphasise its  Best Value duty.


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 13/08/2024

Decision due: Not before 21st Aug 2024 by Leader of the Council
Reason: To allow 5 day notice period required under Executive Decision regulations

Lead member: Leader of the Council

Lead director: Benjamin Watts

Department: Strategic & Corporate Services

Contact: Joel Cook, Democratic Services Manager Email: Email: Tel: 03000 416892.


Public consultation undertaken or planned:


No consultation undertaken – not required.




Cabinet Committee consultation planned: 


Cabinet Committee not consulted prior to decision due to the timing and international arrangement considerations.


An update will be provided to the P&R Cabinet Committee at its next meeting to explain the out of cycle approach.


A report was presented to the County Council on 18th July 2024 whereby Members endorsed the planned co-operation activity with the Chernihiv Region of Ukraine and noted that relevant Executive decisions and operational activity would be progressed to deliver the objectives in due course.


Financial implications: - The decision does not involve the commitment of KCC resources so there is no direct financial impact. - Some older equipment or other surplus items may be provided via the Member led charitable activity where this can be demonstrated as viable and appropriate.

Legal implications: - The decision approves the entering into an MOU with the Ukrainian region of Chernihiv. The MOU is not legally binding and may not be construed as a contract. - The MOU relates to agreed areas of co-operation which support a longer term intent to work toward closer links and for the relevant authorities to support helpful connections and support arrangements between groups and communities in Kent and Chernihiv.

Equalities implications: Equalities implications: - The delivery of relevant support or operational activity will be via external partners, community groups, charities etc. The decision therefore has no direct Equality implications. - From a broader perspective, the decision formalises KCC support for initiatives that will ease the suffering of all types of vulnerable people in Ukraine. The decision therefore has a positive impact on a range of protected characteristic groups and the policy decision does not negatively impact on any. Data Protection implications: - No DPIA has been completed as the implementation of the decision involves entering into an MOU. No direct data management considerations at present.