Proposed decision:
To procure and award a Fixed Safety Camera contract
· Reason for the decision
Contract is set to expire in August 2025 and key decision is needed to give approval to procure and award a new contract..
· Background
At the end of August 2025 the existing contract for supply and maintenance of fixed safety camera equipment will expire. In order to continue to provide this vital road safety tool, a new contract needs to be procured to ensure continued efforts to reduce speed related killed and serious injuries across the County and this seeks approval from the Cabinet Member to procure and award a new contract.
· Options
On expiration of the current contracts, there are three options :
- Option 1: Do nothing cause delays to maintain the existing camera stock would be harmful to kit itself and be an avoidance of the responsibility to maintain adequately assets on the highway.
- Option 2: Use of national frameworks.
- Option 3: Use of a KCC Teckal company. These do not have the relevant experience and would have to have to procure the same services as a subcontract increasing cost and creating delay.
Preferred Option:
- Option 2: Use of national frameworks. The chosen National Framework is Crown Commercial Services (CCS). CCS is a PCR2015 compliant framework that offers a wide range of services within the selected frameworks covering our requirements and best value .
· How the proposed decision supports the Securing Kent’s Future Strategic Plan:
- Financial, through using technology to improve efficiency and reduce cost.
- Demand, through investment in effective prevention.
- Partnership, through better alignment of our service design and commissioning plans with partners and working with other public sector partners to improve our efficiency.
· Financial Implications
- Expenditure through the contract comes from the following sources:
o NDORS surplus for new cameras, or technology improvements
o KCC for maintenance of cameras that they are responsible for
o Medway Council for maintenance of cameras that they are responsible for
o National Highways for maintenance of cameras that they are responsible for
- The key investment that is provided through NDORs surplus has already been invested during in the previous 10 years of the contract amounting to £2.05M
- The next 5 years will be primarily maintenance costs. It is anticipated that KCC’s revenue expenditure will be £75k per annum.
- Budgets are allocated each year for KCC maintenance of this asset.
- Any new camera sites will be funded by the relevant highway authority.
- Summary of spend in existing contract - total £2,055,297 (including complete equipment upgrade) funded as above.
- Anticipated spend under new contract over 5 years - £1,296,698 (no complete equipment upgrade) funded as above.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 13/02/2025
Decision due: Not before 14th Mar 2025 by Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport
Reason: To allow 28 day notice period required under Executive Decision regulations
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport
Lead director: Simon Jones
Department: Growth, Environment & Transport
Contact: Tara O’Shea Email: Email:
The proposed decision was considered and endorsed at the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee on 25 February 2025.
Financial implications: Please see detail above
Legal implications: - The position of the cameras is made by Kent County Council, Medway Council or National Highways with the aim of reducing crashes and casualties. Fixed camera sites are based upon 3 or more people having been killed or seriously injured in speed related accidents in the 3 years prior to installation. - There are no key legal issues. - The CCS Framework is a PCR2015 compliant framework
Equalities implications: Equalities implications - An EqIA was created in 2016 and has been revisited to check if there has been any changes. There is no impact on the protected characteristics however, the EqIA will be kept under review . - . Data Protection implications - No DPIA required.