Reason for the decision
This decision is necessary to ensure continuity of an existing statutory duty to maintain assets on the public highway network.
The contract will cover an initial five-year period, with an optional further five years, and an annual value exceeding £1M.
Background – Provide brief additional context
service manages a full maintenance provision for existing and new
technology assets on the Kent Highway network, primarily traffic
signals but also electronic message signs, CCTV and associated
communications infrastructure, to include:
- Routine inspections of equipment to meet statutory duties
- Fault repairs due to wear and tear or third-party damage
- Temporary switch off traffic signals to allow third parties to
undertake works
- Planned works to modify existing assets or renew life expired
- Communications between on-street units and the Traffic Operations
- Provision, operation and management of a fault
reporting/monitoring platform
- Emergency call outs to make damaged equipment safe during out of
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) inventory of equipment
comprises the following:
- 365 traffic signal-controlled junctions
- 417 traffic light controlled crossings (pelican, puffin, toucan,
- 148 electronic roadside message signs (VMS)
- 236 electronic vehicle activated warning signs (VAS)
- 191 highway monitoring CCTV cameras
- 1 over-height vehicle detection site
Options (other options considered but discarded)
Several options have been considered for the maintenance service, although traffic systems are fundamentally different from other assets and combining them with other contracts is not appropriate.
Consideration has been given but discounted for the delivery/pricing methodology, including:
- Cost
reimbursable with open book (NEC Option E)
- Lump sum for routine and non-routine works (NEC Option A)
- Insourcing with a supply only contract for equipment
How the proposed decision supports the Framing Kent's Future - Our Council Strategy 2022-2026
This decision is consistent with the priorities approved in the strategic statement for the council ‘Framing Kent’s Future’, specifically supporting:
- Infrastructure for Communities by maintaining existing assets on the highway network for all road users, particularly vulnerable groups.
- Environmental Step Change by offering an opportunity to maintain the traffic system inventory in a more sustainable way, reduce environmental impacts and use more efficient technologies.
How the proposed decision supports Securing Kent’s Future 2022 -2026: Securing Kents Future - Budget Recovery Strategy.pdf
Traffic systems assets used to manage the highway network are of a very specialist and technical nature. As such the market for providing the required maintenance service is limited to three suppliers with the capability to deliver the contract. It is key to encourage all three to submit compliant bids to ensure a competitive procurement process and achieve best value
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/02/2025
Decision due: Not before 13th Mar 2025 by Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport
Reason: To allow 28 day notice period required under Executive Decision regulations
Lead director: Simon Jones
Department: Growth, Environment & Transport
Contact: Toby Butler, Intelligent Transport Systems Manager Email: Email: Tel: +443000413554.
The proposed decision was considered and endorsed at the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee on 25th February 2025
Financial implications: There are no financial implications, beyond the current revenue commitment, to ensure continuation of the existing service by procuring a replacement for the maintenance arrangements. This service has an existing revenue allocation of £1.4M per annum, uplifted each year of the current contract due to inflation. In addition, there is capital funding of £750k per annum for asset renewal. There is confidence that the market will be able to provide the required service and quality at a comparable rate, although the scope of works is fully scalable to remain within the budget limits. Based on previous spend data, the contract value for the new procurement is expected to be no more than £28M, however, the advertised contract limit will be £40M to cover inflation, potential changes to wider budgets and unknown spend occurring throughout the proposed 10-year contract term. This contract will not include new installations by third parties and there is no guarantee of the capital spend level.
Legal implications: This decision is necessary to ensure continuity of an existing statutory duty under Section 41 of the Highways Act 1980, to maintain assets on the public highway including traffic signals and other associated technology. As the contract value is above £1,000,000.00, a legal review of the contract will be completed
Equalities implications: Equalities implications: An EqIA has been completed. There are no adverse impacts for any of the protected characteristics. There are benefits to the young, elderly and those with sight and mobility impairments, through the provision of dedicated assistance features at signal controlled crossing facilities. Data Protection implications There is no need for a DPIA, as no personal data is processed. Data Protection implications: There is no need for a DPIA, as no personal data is processed.