Proposed decision:
The Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport is asked to give approval to progress thetraffic calming scheme through the stages of development and delivery and as indicated below, specifically to:
i. Approve the delivery of a traffic calming scheme to mitigate the impact of traffic arising from the Kings Hill Phase 3 development
ii. Approve that the cost of staff and consultant time to project manage, input into the delivery and supervision of the scheme, be recoverable against the S106 Developer Contributions and Kent Lane Rental funding;
iii. Approve to progress all statutory approvals or consents required for the scheme;
iv. Approve the implementation of permanent Traffic Regulation Orders, if required as such associated with any speed limit reductions, subject to completing the statutory consultation process associated with Traffic Regulation Orders;
v. Approve any additional consultation/engagement as required for the scheme;
vi. Approve to enter into construction contracts as necessary for the delivery of the scheme subject to a review of the procurement strategy by the Strategic Commissioning team; and
vii. Delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport to take relevant actions, including but not limited to finalising the terms of and entering into required contracts or other legal agreements, as necessary to implement the decision.
Reason for the decision
From 23 May to 3 July 2023, Kent County Council (KCC) consulted on proposals for a junction improvement scheme at Kent Street and A228 Malling Road in Maidstone. The junction currently has very poor visibility for vehicles wishing to turn out and into the A228 Malling Road from Kent Street. The scheme proposes to install traffic signals at the junctions on Malling Road and Kent Street, widening of the carriageway widths to aid heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) and turning in to Kent Street, create a push button pedestrian crossing facility on Malling Road and construct a shared cycle and footway along Malling Road.
Background – Provide brief additional context
- S106 developer funding agreement was secured from Kings Hill Phase 2 development and carried through to the S106 developer funding agreement for the Phase 3 development.
- The funds are for ‘Local Traffic Management and Calming’ for a scheme at Kent Street, Mereworth junction with the A228 designed to mitigate the impact of traffic arising from the Development and to enhance safety and conditions for local residents, pedestrians and cyclists;
Options (other options considered but discarded)
- Other potential scheme options were considered as part of an option appraisal process and consulted on, however none of these were considered to be suitable alternatives as they did not improve the visibility for vehicles exiting Kent Street West and Kent Street East onto the A228 Malling Road. The option of not promoting upgrades to the local road network was also considered not to be feasible due to the road safety implications and proposed development growth within the district and neighbouring districts with additional large vehicle movements through a narrow section of the route between Mereworth and Kings Hill.
How the proposed decision supports the Framing Kent's Future - Our Council Strategy 2022-2026
Levelling Up Kent – The scheme is located within the District of Tonbridge & Malling and will provide enhanced safety and visibility on the highway network near to Kings Hill, a very busy mixed use development. The proposed walking and cycling infrastructure will provide enhanced active travel opportunities which will contribute towards improving the health of the local population.
Infrastructure for Communities – The scheme is consistent with ‘Infrastructure First’ principles by accelerating the delivery of key transport infrastructure and enhancing leverage of external infrastructure investment within the district from central government. The scheme will also contribute towards providing viable and attractive travel options that focus on both road and active travel modes. It is predominantly from developer contributions associated with Kings Hill.
How the proposed decision supports Securing Kent’s Future 2022 -2026: Securing Kents Future - Budget Recovery Strategy.pdf
The scheme will not impact on the 2023/24 or 2024/25 core budgets. All scheme development activities will be funded by existing (ringfenced) external sources, therefore the scheme will not compromise Objective 1. No funding is required from the council’s feasibility reserve which is relevant to Objective 2. The close alignment of the scheme to Framing Kent’s Future is therefore consistent with Objective 3.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/02/2025
Decision due: Not before 13th Mar 2025 by Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport
Reason: To allow 28 day notice period required under Executive Decision regulations
Lead director: Haroona Chughtai
Department: Growth, Environment & Transport
Contact: Jamie Watson Email: Email:
The proposed decision was considered and endorsed at the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee on 25 February 2025
Financial implications: The estimated cost of the scheme is £1.3m and is being funded partly by developer contributions already banked (£1.0m) and Kent County Council via the Kent Lane Rental Fund (£0.3m). The detailed costings have been scrutinised and the budget available from the two sources is considered to be adequate to deliver the scheme. The costings include an element to cover risk and contingency and use of the already procured contracts reduces any cost uncertainty to ensure it is affordable within our funding envelope
Legal implications: - The proposals are permitted development and do not require planning permission. - Approvals from the Local Planning Authority in relation to the removal of hedgerows has being undertaken. The scheme requires additional land from the adjoining land owner –this has been supported and the agreement for land to be dedicated as Highway is due to be signed and sealed on confirmation that this report is supported and approved for progression to construction. The consideration for the land to be dedicated as public highway has been agreed at £7,876.25.
Equalities implications: - The Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) will be included in the full ETCC report and shows that there will be positive impacts for all users. There may be some temporary negative impacts during the construction and this will be explored further along with access to properties which will need to be maintained at all times.