Proposed decision:
i. Approve to defer the improvement of A228/B2017 junction improvement;
ii. Approve to use any surplus section 106 funding to progress the feasibility and opportunities for voluntary land acquisition of an alternative A228/B2017 junction improvement for a larger roundabout;
iii. Approve to progress the amended B2017/B2160 junction improvement as shown indicatively on Drg. No. 60660469-ACM-01-SW-DR-WR-0001-P01 through surveys, design and construction;
iv. Approve that the proposed B2017/B2160 junction improvement shown on Drg. No. 60660469-ACM-01-SW-DR-WR-0001-P01 to be used for Land Charge disclosures and development control;
v. Approve the transfer of land for the B2017/B2160 junction improvement from an adjacent housing development under a section 106 planning obligation and to acquire any other land and rights as necessary;
vi. Approve to progress any statutory approvals and consents including Traffic Regulation Orders required for the B2017/B2160 junction improvement scheme including detailed planning consent, drainage and environmental consents and securing temporary use of land for a construction site compound;
vii. Approve to enter into construction contracts as necessary for the delivery of the B2017/B2160 junction improvement scheme subject to any internal approval process required to the proposed procurement strategy; and
viii. DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director of Growth Environment & Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, to take relevant actions, including but not limited to, awarding, finalising the terms of and entering into the relevant contracts or other legal agreements, as necessary, to implement the decision
Reason for the decision
There are three major housing developments in Paddock Wood that are being implemented and together are delivering nearly 1,000 new homes. A staggered traffic signalisation and some widening of roads is needed to mitigate the cumulative traffic impacts of the new developments which are consented.
The improvement of both the A228/B2017 and B2017/B2160 junctions are important schemes to provide increased capacity and improve accessibility to help mitigate the three large housing s developments in Paddock Woods.
Initial scoping, survey and feasibility investigations identified that the A228/B2017 junction improvement for an improved roundabout was not practicable or deliverable within the highway boundary. The B2017/B2160 junction needed to be reviewed due to update flood risk information from the Environment Agency. The land available for the scheme would not provide sufficient space to be able to mitigate the additional surface water generated by the changes in the highway and the additional hard paved areas.
As the original scheme cannot be delivered further flood risk modelling and scheme development work, has been undertaken and an amended scheme has been developed that will still provide the increased traffic capacity and accessibility improvements that were the objectives of the original proposal. As it is a new scheme a new key decision is needed to proceed.
Options (other options considered but discarded)
A228/B2017 junction improvement - Reverting to the ‘Minor’ improvement option was not considered worthwhile with the improvements not delivering significant operational benefits.
B2017/B2160 junction – several amended road layouts were modelled to identify a final optimal scheme to better reflect updated flood risk information.
How the proposed decision supports Framing Kent’s Future 2022-2026: (
The scheme supports Priority 2 by improving infrastructure for communities. It will help level up Kent by providing enhanced transport accessibility and connectivity within the borough of Tunbridge Wells, and in particular Paddock Wood. The improved walking and cycling facilities will enhance active travel and contribute towards improving the health of the local population
The scheme also support the key priorities set out in the County Council’s Local Transport Plan 5 “Striking the Balance” (LTP5) in terms of providing additional highway capacity, improving accessibility and reducing congestion will also be benefit aims. These schemes are specifically referred to for providing improvements in ‘Paddock Wood to improve pedestrian, wheeling, and cycling journeys’.
How the proposed decision supports Securing Kent’s Future:Securing Kents Future - Budget Recovery Strategy.pdf
The scheme is fully funded from banked S106 contributions so is no additional financial burden to KCC.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/02/2025
Decision due: Not before 13th Mar 2025 by Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport
Reason: To allow 28 day notice period required under Executive Decision regulations
Lead director: Haroona Chughtai
Department: Growth, Environment & Transport
Contact: Barry Stiff, Project Manager, Major Projects Email: Email: Tel: 03000 419377.
The proposed decision will be considered at the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee on 25 February 2025
Financial implications: The scheme is fully funded by the three section 106 developer contributions. With indexation, the County Council banked £4.789m. The spend to date which has unfortunately incurred significant consultant fees related to the flood modelling and scheme iteration and optimisation studies is circa £400k. The estimated cost of the original scheme was circa £3.5m, but the amended scheme is expected to cost less due to the reduced size of the scheme. The detail of the design is currently being finalised and updated estimates being sought from utility companies, to allow an updated cost estimate to be prepared by independent cost consultants and presented to the Cabinet member for consideration in advance of taking the decision.
Legal implications: The County Council is party to signed section 106 Agreements with the three developers. The developers are aware of the deferment of the A228/B2017 roundabout and the intent to use any surplus funds for the feasibility study for a larger roundabout. The developers are also broadly aware of the flood risk issues at the B2017/B2016 junction and will be advised of the amended scheme that, while not as envisaged in the section 106 agreements, does seek to provide similar benefits. The County Council will proceed in due course with the section 106 land transfer obligation from the Mascalls Farm developer required to implement the B2017/B2160 junction improvement. As the proposed scheme is now contiguous with the existing public highway it is expected it can proceed as Permitted Development
Equalities implications: Equalities implications An Equalities Impact Assessment has been prepared. This will be reviewed periodically as the scheme design is progressed. During the construction phase some negative impacts have been identified. Mitigation are set out in the EqIA. Post construction some positive impacts have been identified. Data Protection implications N/A