Issue details

25/00031 - Cost revision for the proposal to establish a new 2FE Primary School in Thanington Canterbury for September 2026.

Proposed decision –


i.             AUTHORISE the allocation of an additional £5,236,000, thus creating a revised project budget of £15,136,000 from the Basic Need capital budget for phase 1 (1FE with 2FE infrastructure) of the establishment of a new 2FE Primary School in Thanington, Canterbury


ii.            DELEGATE authority to the Director of Infrastructure to, in consultation with the Director of Education, enter into any necessary contracts or other legal agreements, as required to implement this decision; and


iii.          AGREE for the Director of Infrastructure to be the nominated Authority Representative within the relevant agreements, with authority to enter variations as envisaged under the contracts.



Reason for the decision


On 17 January 2023, through 23/00001, the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills agreed the £9,900,000 capital funding for the proposal based on cost estimates at the time.


The Cabinet Committee endorsed on 17 January 2023 that the Free School Presumption process could begin, and a Trust could be selected to establish the new school. At the time the preliminary cost was identified as £9.9m. The cost was pre detailed feasibilities and pre planning costs. It was advised in the report that following the planning application and final costs the proposal would return to the Cabinet Member to approve the finalised capital costs.


This proposal has experienced several challenges due to the land transfer for the school site. The revised capital project costs have been identified as £15,136,000.





Canterbury City Council’s current Local Plan, adopted on 13 July 2017, proposed a total of just over 16,000 new homes during the Plan period up to 2031. The Canterbury Infrastructure Delivery Plan (2019) identified the provision of a 2FE Primary School within the strategic site allocation at Cockering Farm, Thanington (Policy SP3, Site 11). This is critical infrastructure needed to support the delivery of the 2017 Canterbury District Local Plan. The new 2FE Primary School in Thanington was included in the Kent Commissioning plan and stated it would be needed as and when the new housing developments progressed.


The new 2FE Primary School in Thanington, Canterbury, is being established to meet the demand for places from new housing developments in the vicinity.  The new school is to be built on the Cockering Farm housing development and the site was secured through the Section 106 agreement for this site. The school will meet the need for additional primary school places arising from new housing on this site and the surrounding area and will reduce the impact on the road system in the immediate area. The 3 main developments in Thanington will produce a total of 1,150 new homes. These developments would be expected to generate 322 primary pupils (based on all dwellings being applicable).


The scheme has been designed to RIBA Stage 3 and received planning approval in November 2024. The Stage 3 costs include delivering the scheme in accordance with the current building regulations and planning conditions.


The predicted additional cost, including KCC contingency, is assessed as being £5,136,000.


Options (other options considered but discarded)

This school is to serve the new housing developments in Thanington and forms part of a S106 agreement and is a strategic site within the Canterbury City Council Local Plan.


How the proposed decision supports the Framing Kent's Future - Our Council Strategy 2022-2026


This proposal will help to support Framing Kent’s Future – Our Council Strategy (2022-2026) Priority 1 - Levelling up. ‘To maintain KCC’s strategic role in supporting schools in Kent to deliver accessible, high quality education provision for all families.’


How the proposed decision supports Securing Kent’s Future 2022 -2026: Securing Kents Future - Budget Recovery Strategy.pdf


The 'Securing Kent's Future' strategy outlines the measures that KCC intend to take to ensure that Kent remains financially stable, now and long into the future.  It describes the statutory priorities, one of which being the statutory duty to ensure sufficient school places are available to any child or young person who requires one.  This duty applies to Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision, as well as mainstream settings.


This proposal is necessary for KCC to continue to deliver the statutory duty, in a cost-effective way, in line with the guidelines described in the Securing Kent's Future strategy. It will help to maintain KCC’s strategic role in supporting schools in Kent to deliver accessible, high quality education provision for all families.


Financial Implications



Funding for this project was granted under Record of decision 23/00001 based on predicted costs. The scheme has been designed to RIBA Stage 3 and received planning approval in November 2024. Site specific constraints and abnormal items have resulted in a cost uplift.

-      Record of Decision 23/00001 £9,900,000

-      Forecast project cost @ 17/01/2025 £15,136,000

-      Predicted Overspend, including KCC risk items and contingency £5,236,000


An allowance of up to £2,500 may be payable to the school, to outfit each new teaching room with appropriate ICT equipment, such as touch screens or projection equipment.  This will be met from the overall Capital allocation for this project.


Developer Contributions totalling £8,195,191.96 have been agreed and requested towards the new 2FE Thanington Primary School. Of this £244,807.88 has been received to date.



A forecast £250,000 has been allowed for from the revenue budget should the new school need to open in temporary accommodation whilst the new block is built.


Revenue costs of setting up the new school are expected to be fully funded from the ring-fenced Dedicated Schools Grant: School Block. This includes funding to support new or growing schools though a basic need requirement. Available revenue funding will be allocated in accordance with the prevailing Kent County Council School’s Growth Funding Policy.


£6,000 per newly created learning space, would be provided towards the cost of furniture and equipment, such as tables, desks, chairs, cabinets and learning resources


The ongoing revenue budget for the school will be allocated in accordance with the prevailing Government requirements for setting the Local Funding Formula for Schools Budgets in Kent. Free schools are not controlled by a Local Authority and future revenue financial implications, including the management of the school budget, will be responsibility of the future Trust. 

There are no revenue Council General Fund implications expected from this proposal.


Legal Implications  

KCC, as the Local Authority (LA), has a statutory duty to ensure sufficient school places are available.  This duty applies to Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision, as well as mainstream settings.


The County Council’s Commissioning Plan for Education Provision in Kent 2025 - 29 is a five-year rolling plan which is updated annually.  It sets out KCC’s future plans as Strategic Commissioner of Education Provision across all types and phases of education in Kent.



Equalities implications

An Equality Impact Assessment was completed for the 24/00019 decision that indicates that there are no issues.


Data Protection implications

A DPIA was not required and has been completed.


Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/02/2025

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  -

Decision due: Not before 20th Mar 2025 by Cabinet Member for Education and Skills
Reason: To allow 28 day notice period required under Executive Decision regulations

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Education and Skills

Lead director: Christine McInnes

Department: Education & Young People's Services

Contact: Robert Veale, Assistant Director Education (East Kent) Email:


To be considered at the Children’s, Young people and Education Cabinet Committee on 27 February 2025.