Proposed decision:
1. APPROVE extension of the framework arrangements set out in the report for ongoing management of the DA Act Funding 2025-27.
2. AGREE extension of the KIDAS contract and additional services up until March 2027 (12 months), permissible by PCR 2015 72(1)(b) and to continue to utilise this contract to support delivery of the requirements of the Act until the end of the contractual term.
3. CONFIRM the arrangements put in place via Officer Decision OD-23-0002, taken under delegated authority by the Chief Executive, arising from Key Decision 22/00040, to delegate acceptance of any future monies to the Corporate Director of Finance, providing funding is given on similar terms and to enter into relevant agreements with Government as required to accept the funding (2025-2026)
4. DELEGATE acceptance of any future monies (2026 onwards) to the Corporate Director of Finance, providing funding is given on similar terms and to enter into relevant agreements with Government as required to accept the funding.
5. DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director Adult Social Care and Health to, in consultation with the Leader, Corporate Director for Finance and Corporate Director for Children, Young People and Education, revise and amend the arrangement set out in the framework details, subject to the scope of the terms and conditions of the grant funding.
6. DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director Adult Social Care and Health, in consultation with the Corporate Director for Children, Young People and Education where applicable depending on affected portfolios, to administer any further DA Act grant monies under the funding / governance framework put in place by this decision, including the determination of Officer Decisions to progress activity via the framework.
7. DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director Adult Social Care and Health, in consultation with the Chief Executive to take other necessary actions, including but not limited to entering into contracts or other legal agreements, as required to implement this decision.
Reason for the decision
Kent County Council will receive £4,031,222.00 for 2025-26 in Domestic Abuse Duty Safe Accommodation grant funding via the core settlement. The ‘Domestic Abuse Framework’ approved under Key decision 23/00060 is required to be extended from 2025-27, as detailed in this paper, to support in determining activity and spend.
The Kent Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (KIDAS) is due to end in March 2026. This contract underpins the Councils response to the Domestic Abuse Act and includes delivery of statutory safe accommodation support services for adult survivors, funded by the Domestic Abuse Duty Safe Accommodation grant, in line with the Framework.
Financial uncertainties are impeding recommissioning activity for a new contract post March 2026. Legal advice has confirmed there is the opportunity to extend the existing contractual arrangements and postpone recommissioning activities. This will ensure the council continues to meet its statutory duties under the Act and support delivery under the framework.
Background – Provide brief additional context
Kent County Council (KCC) has a statutory responsibility under Part 4 of the Domestic Abuse (DA) Act 2021 to;
· assess, or make arrangements for the assessment of, the need for “accommodation-based support” in its area,
· prepare and publish a strategy for the provision of such support in its area,
· monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy.
(“Accommodation-based support” means support, in relation to domestic abuse, provided to victims of domestic abuse, or their children, who reside in relevant accommodation as defined by the Secretary of State which includes refuges, Sanctuary Schemes, move-on and dispersed accommodation.)
Since 2021, new Grant Funding has been awarded to support implementation of these duties. Key decision 23/00060 sets out previous parameters for the management of the DA Act funding 2023-2025 (‘Domestic Abuse Framework’)
Further funding of £4,031,222.00 for 2025/26 has been confirmed by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MGCLG). This decision seeks to extend these arrangements to determine spend of Domestic Abuse Duty Safe Accommodation grant funding, and support decision making across 2025-27.
Domestic Abuse Framework
Under this Framework all expenditure of DA Act funding must be in line with budget forecasting and adhere to the MHCLG Guidance and Memorandum of Understanding terms. Additionally, proposals for spend must meet oneof the following criteria:
A. Will support the council in conducting its statutory functions under the DA Act which include assessing need, preparation, publication, monitoring and delivery of strategies, commissioning activity and mandatory reporting back to central Government.
B. Will improve, develop, or maintain specialist support to people who have experienced domestic abuse (adults and children) residing in ‘safe accommodation’, as defined by the DA Act, (this includes Refuge accommodation, Specialist Safe accommodation, Dispersed accommodation, Sanctuary Schemes and Second stage accommodation) to meet gaps identified through the needs assessment.
Examples of projects that would meet the criteria include.
· Engagement project to develop and maintain engagement with people who have experienced domestic abuse.
· Development of new services to reduce barriers within existing support offers to underserved groups.
Activity for 2025-27 has been planned in line with this Framework criteria
Kent Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (KIDAS)
KIDAS delivers support to adults (16+) both in accommodation such as refuge and within the community. This contract is partnership funded and includes additional services to increase the service offer and meet new statutory duties under the Act. It is due to end in March 2026. This decision seeks to extend the length of this contract until 31 March 2027 to enable it to continue to be used to support the Domestic Abuse Framework and support the Council in continuing to meet its statutory duties.
Options (other options considered but discarded)
Domestic Abuse Framework
The option for handling all DA Act funding activity on an individual basis, with certain projects managed at operational level and others progressing via the Key Decision process as and when required was considered. That option would not enable the council to respond quickly and flexibly to changing demand and need or provide a clear strategic plan for delivering against the DA Grant requirements.
Extension of KIDAS contract
· The option to allow the KIDAS contract to come to an end from 31 March 2026 was considered and rejected as this would result in the Council not meeting its statutory duties under the DA Act 2021.
· The option to recommission a new domestic abuse service, to commence 1 April 2026 was considered and rejected as to run a procurement, mobilise and then de-mobilise a new contractor would be very cost and resource heavy especially as the new contractor will only deliver the services for a short period of time (one year) due to the lack of longer term Domestic Abuse Duty Safe Accommodation grant allocation.
How the proposed decision supports the Framing Kent's Future - Our Council Strategy 2022-2026
The KIDAS contract is an integrated service and aims to improve health and care outcomes. The DA Act funding furthers collaboration with our partners and delivery against shared priorities within the Kent and Medway DA Strategy 2024-29. This decision therefore supports the Council’s strategic priorities in Framing Kent’s Future – Our Council Strategy.
How the proposed decision supports Securing Kent’s Future 2022 -2026: Securing Kents Future - Budget Recovery Strategy
The Domestic Abuse Framework supports the council to utilise separate Grant funding to deliver its statutory duties. This activity has a focus on delivering preventative interventions to reduce further needs developing and people presenting with multiple complex needs and requiring further interventions from ASCH. The extension of the KIDAS contract supports Securing Kents Future and prioritises best value as to run a procurement, mobilise and then de-mobilise would be very cost and resource heavy and would achieve the same results as contract extension.
Financial Implications
Domestic Abuse Framework
The cost of implementing the Domestic Abuse Framework across 2025-27 will be met in full by DA Act Grant funding, including unspent grant funding from previous years (held in reserves). A draft budget forecast for 2025-26 indicates that expenditure will be £4,451,727.48. Regular financial monitoring reports will be produced and shared with the Corporate Director of Finance and Corporate Director of Adult Social Care.
MHCLG have advised that future allocations post 2026 will be consolidated within the core financial settlement and that a Memorandum of Understanding will accompany this. It is proposed that acceptance of future monies, providing it is given on similar terms, is delegated to the Corporate Director of Finance. Future activity planned in line with the Framework will be reviewed once the allocation post April 2026 is announced.
Extension of KIDAS contract
The cost to KCC to extend the KIDAS contract from 1 April 2026, is £2,899,332.46 per year, and will be met in full by the KIDAS funding partners and the Councils Domestic Abuse Duty Safe Accommodation grant, broken down as follows;
Funding Partner |
2026-27 contribution |
£2,504,327.41 |
External funding partners (including the Office of the Police and crime Commissioner, Kent Fire and Rescue and Districts) |
£395,005.05 |
Total |
£2,899,332.46 |
Additional services, may be levied into this contract throughout the extension period, to increase the service offer and support the delivery of the Domestic Abuse Framework. These will be funded in full by external grants and in accordance with PCR regulations.
Legal Implications
The Local Authority has a statutory obligation to meet the duties set out in the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, including to provide support for people who have experienced domestic abuse residing in what is defined as ‘safe accommodation’. Continuing to implement the Framework and extending the KIDAS contractual term, will support the delivery of activity across 2025-27 and the council in meeting its statutory duties.
Specific legal implications for operational or funding allocation activity will be considered through the delegated decision-making as normal.
In line with legal advice, the modification of the KIDAS contract length is permissible through the application of Regulation 72(1)(b) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR15)
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/02/2025
Decision due: Not before 20th Mar 2025 by Leader of the Council
Reason: To allow 28 day notice period required under Executive Decision regulations
Lead member: Leader of the Council
Lead director: Richard Smith
Department: Strategic & Corporate Services
Contact: Rachel Westlake, Senior Commissioner Email:
The proposed decision was considered and endorsed by the Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee on 5th March 2025
Financial implications: please see detail above
Legal implications: please see detail above
Equalities implications: Equalities implications An Equality Impact Assessment has been conducted and found no negative impacts as a result of this work. Specific service arrangements made via the Framework will incorporate necessary equality consideration as part of Officer level decision-making. Data Protection implications Data collected or shared, is covered under existing contract clauses and the DPIA between KCC and the KIDAS providers will be reviewed as part of the contract extension activity