Issue details

25/00035 - Aylesford Towpath Improvements/embankment reinforcement

Proposed decision


That the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport agree to:


1.  APPROVE the progression and delivery of the Aylesford Towpath improvements scheme


2.  APPROVE that the cost of staff and consultancy time for the delivery and supervision of the project, be recovered against project funding


3.  DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport to obtain and implement Statutory Orders, approvals or consents required for the scheme,including but not limited to Compulsory Purchase Order, Side Roads Order and any Traffic Regulation Orders required for the delivery and successful operation of the scheme


4.   DELEGATE authority to the Director of Infrastructure, in consultation with the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment and Transport, to negotiate and complete all required land acquisition including by means of Compulsory Purchase Order as necessary to secure the delivery and future maintenance of the scheme


5.  DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport to procure and enter into construction contracts as necessary for the delivery of the scheme, subject to the approval of the Commercial and Procurement Division.


6.  DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport to take relevant actions, including but not limited to, entering into and finalising the terms of relevant contracts or other legal agreements, as necessary, to implement the above decision



Reason for the decision and urgency


-     The terms and conditions of the ATE grant require the funding to be spent by March 2026. Due to long lead times for materials, deferring the decision to June will put this funding at risk as it will impact on the programme delivery programme.




-     The Medway Tow Path is a walking, wheeling and cycling route that has County level significance. The path is part of a long-term vision to create a route from Rochester to Tonbridge and beyond.

-     The scheme proposes to widen the substandard width shared footway/cycleway to provide a shared 3.0m width for approximately 830m. There is a section that requires reinforcement of the embankment due to a collapse of the existing retaining wall.

-     This route is a key missing link which will unlock the wider network of active travel routes. A significant section of the route has recently benefited from LEP funding to provide a new asphalt surface which further increases the utility of this path. The route is well used for both recreational and utility journeys, with over 100 cyclists a day using other sections of the tow path. A recently created section has over 20000 journeys per month.

-     At present, the Tow Path provides a direct, flat off carriageway substandard shared pedestrian/cycle route between Maidstone and key employment areas in Snodland and New Hythe. It also connects the residential areas of these locations to the employment opportunities within Maidstone itself. The path itself lies within an Output Area which is ranked in the bottom 20% of the country in the Index of Multiple Deprivation and provides connections to equally deprived areas.

-     Included within the improvements is wayfinder signing and low-level solar lighting/road studs and a rest area with seating within the extents.

-     The only alternative to this route is on a busy distributor route with high levels of traffic including HGVs that is note safe or attractive to walking, wheeling or cycling.

-     An Active Travel Fund Capital Grant of £1.2m has been received following an annual funding bid round known as ATF4 Extension (ATF4e).

-     KCC’s Public Rights of Way Directorate have set aside £300,000 from their annual maintenance budget which is to be pooled with the ATF4e budget focused on the widening and general maintenance of this section of the route..

-     There are 2 Developer Contributions (S106) received to assist with the improvements: £50,000 from Aylesford Quarry development and £386,000 from the Aylesford Panattoni development.


Options (other options considered but discarded)


-     The only other option is to permanently close the route which universally has not been supported due to the importance of the route.


How the proposed decision supports the Framing Kent's Future - Our Council Strategy 2022-2026


Infrastructure for Communities – The scheme is located within the District of Tonbridge & Malling and is consistent with ‘Infrastructure First’ principles by accelerating the delivery of key transport infrastructure and enhancing leverage of external infrastructure investment within the district from central government. The scheme will also contribute towards providing viable and attractive travel options that focus on both road and active travel modes.


How the proposed decision supports Securing Kent’s Future 2022 -2026: Securing Kents Future - Budget Recovery Strategy.pdf


The scheme will utilise £300,000 of the Public Rights of Way (PROW) core budget which has been allocated to this project with the remaining scheme development activities funded by existing (ringfenced) external sources, therefore the scheme will not compromise Objective 1. No funding is required from the Council’s feasibility reserve which is relevant to Objective 2. The close alignment of the scheme to Framing Kent’s Future is therefore consistent with Objective 3. 



Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/03/2025

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:

Semi-urgent - The terms and conditions of the ATE grant require the funding to be spent by March 2026. Due to long lead times for materials, deferring the decision to June will put this funding at risk as it will impact on the programme delivery programme.

Decision due: Not before 19th Mar 2025 by Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport
Reason: This decision will be taken via the semi-urgent decision process

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport

Lead director: Haroona Chughtai

Department: Growth, Environment & Transport

Contact: Jamie Watson Email:


No consultations have been undertaken as the route is an existing route which has been closed on safety grounds for several years due to the collapse of the existing retaining wall.  No consultation is required on the proposed improvement scheme.


Neil Baker, Cabinet Member for Highways has supported the submission to Active Travel England for most of the scheme funds along with all Members of the internal Cycling and Walking Member Group established to guide KCC Officers on prospective future schemes, policies and best practice procedures.


Which Divisions / Local Members are particularly affected:

Andrew Kennedy MEM – Malling North East


Financial implications: - The estimated cost of the scheme is £1.72m and is being funded partly by developer contributions already banked (£0.436m), PROW (£0.3m) and the Active Travel Fund Tranche 4e (£1.2m). The detailed costings have been provided via the Highway Term Maintenance Contract (evidencing best value) and the budget available from the three sources is considered to be adequate to deliver the scheme. The costings include an element to cover risk and contingency and use of the existing procured contracts reduces any cost uncertainty to ensure it is affordable within our funding envelope. The project will maximise the grants then s106 in the first instance. - The project cost estimate complies with the terms and conditions of the grant and an extension was approved meaning the project has to be completed and funding spent by March 2026. The piling materials have a 12 week lead in time.

Legal implications: - The proposals are permitted development and do not require planning permission. - Approvals from the Rivers Authority and Crown Estate are being progressed as the installation of piles to act as a retaining wall to support the embankment needs to be implemented at certain times of the year to not interfere with fish spawning and other ecological and environmental requirements. - The scheme requires additional land from the adjoining landowner –The Crown Estate as the piles are required to be installed within the river side of the existing retaining wall. Crown Estate have been contacted and Heads of Terms are being drawn up at present. The land will be transferred to KCC and designated as Highway land provided that this report is supported and approved for progression to construction. The consideration for the land to be dedicated as public highway is likely to be below £10.000 and is incorporated into the budget set aside.

Equalities implications: - The Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) will be included in the full ETCC report and shows that there will be positive impacts for all users. There may be some temporary negative impacts during the construction, and this will be explored further.
