Meeting documents

Cabinet Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 31st May, 2006

10am in the Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone.

For more information about this committee, call Democratic Services on 01622 694002 or email


Unrestricted items

(During these items the meeting is likely to be open to the public)

A. Committee business

A1. Substitutes

A2. Minutes - 3 May 2006

A3. Informal Member Group on Budgetary Issues (Special Meeting) - 3 May 2006

A4. Cabinet Scrutiny Committee - Outcomes and actions to May 2006

B. Cabinet/Cabinet Member decisions at variance to approved budget or policy framework
No items

C. Cabinet decisions

C1. Local Schemes Grant 2006/07 - report and information sheet

C2. Other Cabinet decisions

Any member of the committee is entitled to propose discussion and/or postponement of any other decision taken by the Cabinet at its last meeting.

D. Cabinet Member decisions

D1. Proposed closure of Leyton House, Wilmington

E. Officer and council committee decisions

E1. Proposed changes to management of Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme

E2 Other officer and council committee decisions

The committee may resolve to consider any other decision taken since its last meeting by an officer or council committee exercising functions delegated to it by the council.

(Members who wish to propose that the committee should consider any other officer or council committee decision are asked to inform the Head of Democratic Services of the decision concerned in advance.)

Exempt items

(At the time of preparing this agenda there were no exempt items. During any such items which may arise the meeting is likely NOT to be open to the public)

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