Decision details

15/00010 - Supported Accommodation in a Family Environment Service (SAiFE) for Older Children in Care and Care Leavers (previously known as Supported Lodgings for Kent Care Leavers)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Proposed decision:To agree to award a new contract for the delivery of a Supported Accommodation in a Family Environment Service for older Children in Care and Care Leavers.


How the decision relates to Corporate Objectives: This activity is an element of the wider 0-25 transformation programme, including accommodation and support for 16-25 year old Children in Care, Care Leavers and vulnerable young people relating to Facing the Challenge Phase 2.


Financial Implications: The total lifetime (i.e. up to 48 months) value of the Contract is approximately £1,343,904. Costs are broken down into three areas; support, housing and management fees. 


            Support for young person paid to hosts


Support levels

Weekly Cost

Support* - Standard


Support* - Complex


Support* – Intensive



            Housing costs


Fixed at £50 per week if the young person is aged 16 or 17 (ineligible to claim Housing Benefit).  Housing is paid from Housing Benefit if the young person is aged 18 or over and paid directly to the Host by the young person.

            Monthly management fees

            Based on demand, as follows:

Demand ( number of arrangements)


Contract Price*

< 150 Arrangements per Month


150 – 400 Arrangements per Month


> 400 Arrangements per Month


Legal Implications: Spending the Council’s Money expects procurement to be competitive.

KCC has a statutory duty to provide suitable and safe accommodation that has the right level of support for Children in Care in accordance with the Children’s Act 1989.

Equality Implications: An EQIA assessment for the wider Children in Care, Care Leavers and Vulnerable Young People service transformation has been undertaken with supplementary focus on this specific action. The EQIA supports the intention to diversify provision according to need and ethnicity of young people.

An EQIA has also been completed for the new Supported Accommodation in a Family Environment Service, which highlights the increase in provision to meet the needs of young people.

The matter is referred to in the Children’s Commissioning Business Plan 2015-16.



3 October 2016: NOTE - this was previously known as, and listed on the Forward Plan of Forthcoming Executive Decisions, as ‘Proposal for the delivery of Supported Lodgings for Kent Care Leavers (decision number 15/00010)’ the information above this note relates to the revised proposal.



Proposed decision: To award a new contract to deliver Supported Accommodation in a Family Environment for Kent’s older Children in Care, Care Leavers and vulnerable young people.

[It was previously envisaged that a current contract would be extended by single source tender but this is no longer the case] [Decision updated 1 October 2015]


Financial Implications:
The budget for the contract consists of two parts; management costs, and support costs, as detailed below.  The tender is requesting bids of no more than £350,000 for the management costs.  Support costs to Hosts varies, but is expected to be in the region of £1,500,000, based on figures from 2014-15.


Cost Area


Management costs (fixed cost inclusive of all non-host related costs):


Host Costs (monies paid to hosts, based on provision against baseline as set 04.09.14):





Therefore, the value of any new contract for the required service is not expected to be £1,850,000
Legal Implications:

Spending the Council’s Money expects procurement to be competitive. However there are exemptions that may apply to this action (e.g. the purchasing of adult and children’s services are required by law under the National Assistance Act 1948 and the Children Act 1989). Alternative processes are set out in Directorate Operational Procedures.

Equality Implications:
An equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the wider Children in Care and Care Leavers service transformation has been undertaken, with supplementary focus on this specific action. The EQIA supports the intention to diversify provision according to need and ethnicity of young people.
An EQIA has also been completed for the new Supported Accommodation in a Family Environment Service, which highlights the increase in provision to meet the needs of young people.

How the decision relates to Corporate Objectives:

This activity is an element of the wider 0-25 transformation programme, including accommodation and support for 16-25 year old Children in Care, Care Leavers and vulnerable young people relating to Facing the Challenge Phase 2.

The matter is referred to in the Strategic Commissioning Business Plan 2015-16.


As Cabinet Member for Specialist Children’s Services, I agree to:


a)    AWARD a new contract to deliver Supported Accommodation in a Family Environment (SAiFE) for Kent’s Older Children in Care, Care Leavers and vulnerable young people.


b)    DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director of Social Care, Health and Wellbeing, or other nominated officer, to undertake the necessary actions to implement the decision.


Publication date: 26/01/2017

Date of decision: 26/01/2017

Effective from: 03/02/2017

Accompanying Documents: