Decision details

20/00016 - Section 106 Funding

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Integrated Children's Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes




KCC receive developers’ contributions (S106) to support the additional demand on services for young people created as a result of new housing developments. Currently, KCC has secured almost £1.3m of S106 funding for youth services, with a further £582k awaiting process. There is a further £1.5m that has been approved and will become payable once houses are built. Kent’s growth agenda will result in many new housing developments planned. As these reach planning, ICS will request a youth S106 contribution. This is currently being based upon a figure in the region of £7 per home.Working with KCC Property and Infrastructure, ICS are now in an early stage of ‘testing’ an increase figure of £65.50 per home, for youth work, which is based upon a greater understanding of our service as current thinking is based on a model which pre-dates the development of an integrated service where we may have just wanted some delivery space in every new development but which was not targeted or joined up.


The Cabinet Member for Integrated Children’s Services agrees to:


  1. Approve the introduction of four dedicated area based detached youth work teams, using S106 funding to cover staffing and associated equipment costs, as set out in the report.


  1. Approve the allocation of £2k per district to each Local Children’s Partnership Group (LCPG), to be spent over two years, to ensure the inclusion of young people’s voice across the district (total cost of £24k). This spend is to be agreed by LCPG and overseen by the Area Partnership Managers.


  1. Acknowledge that whilst some of the S106 will be spent on youth capital costs, this will not be in replacement of Total Facilities Management/Property and Infrastructure budget and responsibilities.


  1. Approve the remainder of the S106 funding to be considered to provide additional capacity in youth teams and any local district projects. This may also include costs associated with a Fleet Review.


Publication date: 20/03/2020

Date of decision: 20/03/2020

Effective from: 28/03/2020

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