Decision details

20/00129 - Contract for the Processing & Recycling of Metal Waste

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Reason for the decision

·       KCC currently has no formal contractual arrangements for the receipt and processing of metal, therefore KCC Waste Management is seeking a new formal contractual arrangement to manage the County’s waste metal.


·       As the Waste Disposal Authority, KCC has a statutory responsibility to dispose of waste deposited at Kent’s 18 Household Waste Recycling Centres, of which one stream is metal.

·       KCC Waste Management has recently resumed ownership of metal as a waste stream since the completion of the HWRC and Transfer Station contract in Mid and East Kent (Nov 2020), where the provider held title. In West Kent, non-contractual arrangements have historically been in place and KCC is seeking to amalgamate the tonnages into a consistent and county-wide provision to seek optimum value for money for KCC.

·       A 5-year contract is sought to incorporate the processing of circa 4,000 tonnes which will include an appropriate break clause to protect KCC’s interests.

·       It is envisaged that the contract will be split into geographical Lots to take into consideration the haulage aspect of the disposal.

·       By processing metal, it is segregated into ferrous and non-ferrous streams, shredded, and recycled into either new steel products or sold on to other metal off-takers for reuse.


·       Do nothing – the non-contractual arrangements will continue with an off-taker recycling the material. This is not an option as KCC will obtain best value for money through a competitive process and via a contractual arrangement.  

·       Discontinue accepting the metal waste at the HWRCs – this is not an option due to KCC’s obligation to take this material under waste legislation.

·       Undertake a full commissioning activity to procure a new contract - a new commissioning activity is required to secure a provider who can process the waste material which is both financially and environmentally beneficial for the Authority.



Preferred Option

·       Option 3 is the preferred option. The authority is seeking to appoint a provider to secure a contract (for up to five years) that will benefit and achieve the best outcomes for the authority and Kent households and fulfil the statutory duty of KCC operating under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.




As Cabinet Member for Environment, I agree to approve the proposed decision to commission and award a contract for the receipt and processing of Metal waste for up to 5 years. 


Publication date: 07/02/2021

Date of decision: 05/02/2021

Effective from: 13/02/2021

Accompanying Documents: