Decision details

23/00097 - Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Strategy 2024 – 2029

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Proposed Decision:


The Leader of the Council is asked to:


·               adopt the Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Partnership Strategy 2024 – 2029 on behalf of Kent County Council.


·               delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Adult Social Care and Health in consultation with the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education, to refresh and/or make revisions with the Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Executive Group as appropriate during the lifetime of the strategy.


·               delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Adult Social Care and Health in consultation with the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education to take relevant actions, including but not limited to finalising the terms of, and entering into required contract or other legal agreements, as necessary to implement the decision.



Further Information:


The Kent and Medway Domestic and Sexual Abuse Executive Group, and the associated governance structure, is a partnership which includes Kent County Council, Medway Council, Kent Police, the Police and Crime Commissioners Office, Probation, Kent District, City and Borough Councils, the Department of Work and Pensions, the NHS and Kent Fire and Rescue Service.


The current Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Strategy was developed in 2020 and refreshed in 2021. This strategy was revised to include new statutory tier one duties linked to safe accommodation, recognising that safe accommodation is part of a wider response to domestic abuse. The current strategy finishes in 2023 and a ‘progress made’ report is published on the consultation web page, showing work completed to meet the strategy commitments and highlighting opportunity areas which are incorporated within the 2024-2029 strategy.


In developing the 2024-2029 Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Strategy, Kent County Council and Medway Council have worked with the Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Executive Group to create a document which supports a coordinated partnership response across services. The Executive Group seek to utilise available funding from across partners to improve outcomes, working towards the strategies aim: ‘to reduce the prevalence of domestic abuse and ensure that where domestic abuse takes place, all those affected get the right support, quickly.’


As Leader of the Council, I agree to:


·               adopt the Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Partnership Strategy 2024 – 2029 on behalf of Kent County Council.

·               delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Adult Social Care and Health in consultation with the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education, to refresh and/or make revisions with the Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Executive Group as appropriate during the lifetime of the strategy.

·               delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Adult Social Care and Health in consultation with the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education to take relevant actions, including but not limited to finalising the terms of, and entering into required contract or other legal agreements, as necessary to implement the decision.

Publication date: 23/02/2024

Date of decision: 23/02/2024

Effective from: 02/03/2024

Accompanying Documents: