Decision details

14/00001 - Proposed expansion of Lawn Primary School, Gravesend

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Gravesham section of the Kent Commissioning Plan for Education Provision 2013-18 has identified a need for up 34 additional Reception Year places within the planning area of Northfleet for 2016.

The expansion of Lawn Primary School will help to address these pressures and adheres to the principles of our Commissioning Plan as it increases capacity at a good, popular school.

Financial Implications:

It is proposed to enlarge Lawn Primary School by 10 places taking the PAN to 30 (1FE) for the September 2014 intake and eventually a total capacity of 210 places.

a.         Capital - The enlargement of the school requires the provision of 2 additional classrooms, as well as ancillary facilities.  A feasibility study has been completed. The total cost is estimated to be in the region of £350k of which £350k will be funded from the Basic Need Budget. The costs of the project are estimates and these may increase as the project is developed.  If the cost of the project is greater than 10% the Cabinet Member will be required to take a further decision to allocate the additional funding.

b.        Revenue - The school will receive increased funding through the Delegated Budget on a 'per pupil' basis.

c.        Human – Lawn Primary School will appoint additional teachers, as the school size increases and the need arises.


As the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform I have taken the decision to:

(i)              Issue a public notice to expand Lawn Primary School, by 10 Reception places, from a PAN of 20 to 1FE.


And, subject to no objections being received to the public notice


(ii)             Expand the school


(iii)            Allocate £350k from the Education. Learning and Skills Capital Budget.

(iv)           AUTHORISE the Director of Property and Infrastructure Support in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance to enter into any necessary contracts/ agreements on behalf of the County Council

(v)             AUTHORISE the Director of Property and Infrastructure Support to be the nominated Authority Representative within the relevant agreements and to enter into variations as envisaged under the contracts

Should objections, not already considered by the Cabinet Member when taking this decision, be received during the notice period a separate decision will be required in order to continue the proposal and expand the school to allow for proper consideration of the points raised.



Publication date: 22/01/2014

Date of decision: 22/01/2014

Effective from: 30/01/2014

Accompanying Documents: