Decision details

16/00014 - Commissioning of Integrated Domestic Abuse Support Services

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Proposed decision: Procurement of an integrated Domestic Abuse Support Service and delegation of authority to the Corporate Director of Social Care, Health and Wellbeing, or other nominated officer, to commission the integrated service on behalf of its partners.


The proposed decision relates to Corporate Objectives as the provision of an integrated Domestic Abuse Service meets statutory responsibilities and supports Kent County Council’s vision to:


        Tackle disadvantage

        Reduce avoidable demand on health and social care services

        Focus on improving lives by ensuring that every penny spent in Kent is

         delivering better outcomes for Kent’s residents, communities and businesses

        Enable adults in Kent to lead independent lives, safely in their own community


Financial Implications:

The total amount being spent in grants and contracts on Domestic Abuse at present is £3.2m; of this funding, £1.74m is in contracts delivering housing-related support. It is anticipated that, by pooling budgets and commissioning collaboratively, efficiencies can be made to deliver a greater range of interventions within the funding envelope, targeting prevention in escalation and a greater efficacy in the service.  The full value of the contract is anticipated to be £1.93m.


Legal Implications:

Legal advice will be necessary to establish the necessary delegation of authority to enable the County Council to commission on behalf of its partners.


Equality Implications:

An equalities impact assessment will be necessary for any substantive change or diminution of service provision.


An integrated approach, co-commissioned with key partners, will enable a more balanced provision across the county, address the inequity of provision and afford better value for money by reducing duplication



As Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, I agree to:


1.    Commission an integrated domestic abuse support service across the county of Kent and

2.    Delegate to the Corporate Director for Social Care Health and Wellbeing or other suitable nominated officer authority to implement that decision.

Publication date: 04/11/2016

Date of decision: 04/11/2016

Effective from: 12/11/2016

Accompanying Documents: