Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The current contract expires 31 December 2017. Extension options have been considered by the Strategic Commissioning Board. However, these options are not viable in this instance as the incumbent supplier is unable to continue. Accordingly, in order to ensure a seamless service remains in place a new procurement is required which has the flexibility to accommodate devolution and enable local councils to opt in or out of the contract moving forward. Ongoing procurement with appropriate economies of scale enable market testing and ensures that the rates KCC pay for the work are competitive and reflective of the current market.
The commissioning of all work streams within the soft landscape service was considered and agreed by the Strategic Commissioning Board on 4 July 2016. A broad range of commissioning solutions were debated and the extension of the current contract was preferred. However, the incumbent supplier is unable to continue. Therefore, the re-procurement of the urban grass shrubs and hedges service (Maidstone, Dartford, Canterbury and Thanet) will now be bought forward to ensure a seamless flexible service remains in place.
How the proposed decision meets the objectives of ‘increasing opportunities, improving outcomes: KCC’s Strategic Statement 15-20’
The urban grass shrubs and hedges service is a discretionary service that keeps Kent’s Roads moving and assists economic growth.
Financial implications
The annual spend is estimated at £325k per annum and will continue to be funded from the soft landscape budget. The proposed contract length will be five years with an option to extend the contract for up to a further two years, on a one plus one basis. Should KCC decide to run the contract for the full term (seven years), including extensions the total expenditure is estimated at £2,275,000.
Legal implications
There are no significant legal constraints. Standard procurement risks would apply.
Equalities implications
Equality implications were considered during the analysis phase of the commissioning cycle. No significant impacts were identified through re procurement of the services.
As Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport I agree to re-procure and delegate to the Director of Highways Transportation and Waste, authority to award contract/s for the urban grass, shrubs and hedges service for Maidstone, Dartford, Canterbury and Thanet
Publication date: 21/03/2017
Date of decision: 21/03/2017
Effective from: 29/03/2017
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