Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Active travelcan reducecongestion, improvethe environmentand improvethe airwe breathe. It canimprove ourhealth andcan increaselevels ofphysical activityin school aged childrenleading toimproved attainment. It iscrucial toestablish healthyhabits in young peoplein orderfor themto besustained inlater life.
Active travelcan befor completejourneys orparts ofa journey,and morepeople inthe community making moreactive traveljourneys canlead toa rangeof positiveindividual and shared outcomes.These includeimproved health,reduced trafficcongestion, reduced pollution andfinancial savingsto theindividual andbusinesses.
The ActionPlan hasbeen createdto helpus achieveour targets.It focuseson newactions and changes/improvements toexisting activities.
How the proposed decision meets theobjectives of'Increasing Opportunities, Improving Outcomes:KentCounty Council'sStrategic Statement{2015-2020)'
The Strategycontributes toall threeof theStrategic Outcomesin KCC'sStrategic
Statement 2015-2020:
-Children andyoung peoplein Kentget thebest startin life:with theability tochoose active travel forshort journeys,children and youngpeople willhave moreindependence and better health.
-Kent Communitiesfeel thebenefits ofeconomic growthby beingin-work, healthyand enjoying a goodquality oflife: incorporatingexerciseinto the dailyroutine, suchas the commuteto workor tripto the shopsis thebest wayof increasingactivity levels.This contributesto health,enjoying lifeand allowsbetter accessto workopportunities.
-Older andvulnerable residentsare safeand supportedwith choicesto liveindependently: safeand accessibleroutes foractive travelenables olderand vulnerableresidents tobe more independentin gettingaround andaccessing shops,healthcare andother services.
Financial Implications
TheStrategy isa cost-neutraldocument andrequiresno additionalinvestment fromKent County Council budgets.The strategy willact asa commissioningframework toprovide strategicguidanceon where existing programmesof workcan deliverhigher returnsand maximiseexisting investment inprojects.Furthermore,the Strategy willbe usedto support bidsfor externalincome.
LegalImplications None.
Equalities Implications
An EqiAhas beencarried out.Emerging issuesincludedthat any measuresto promote active travelshould addressthe gendergap inrates ofcycle commutingand thatactive travel infrastructure should beaccessible toall usergroups,including older peopleand disabled people.
Disabled peoplewere lesslikely toagree withthe ActiveTravel Strategyitself. 43%of disabled respondents stronglyagreed withthe strategy;55% ofall respondentsstrongly agreed.
The StrategyAction Plancontains actionsspecifically relatingto peoplewith disabilities, the elderly andfemale cyclists.
The EqiAAction Plansets outactions toengage withthese groupsand promotethe Active Travel Strategy.
As Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, I approve the Active Travel Strategy and Action Plan and to delegate, to the Corporate Director, Growth Environment and Transport, authorisiation to make any further minor modifications which may be needed such as formatting changes and typographical errors in order to publish the Active Travel Strategy and Action Plan.
In addition, to endorse delegation to the Corporate Director, Growth Environment and Transport the authorisation to make any further minor modifications which may be needed such as formatting changes and typographical errors in order to publish the Active Travel Strategy and Action Plan.
Publication date: 20/04/2017
Date of decision: 20/04/2017
Effective from: 28/04/2017
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