Decision details

19/00022 - Ground Lease at Meopham Academy, Wrotham Road, Meopham for the new Meopham Library

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Corporate and Democratic Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Background information:


A new library was built in Meopham in the summer 2017 by the Education Funding Agency in order that a new school could be built on the former library site. It was open to the public in December 2017. The proposed decision formalises and completes the outstanding lease matter.




The Cabinet Member is asked to:


a)    agree that Kent County Council take a lease in excess of 20 years of part of land at Meopham School from Swale Academy Trust; and


b)    authorise the Director of Infrastructure to finalise lease terms and complete the transaction. 


Publication date: 03/04/2019

Date of decision: 03/04/2019

Effective from: 11/04/2019

Accompanying Documents: