Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The proposed highway infrastructure, will support and enable the Manston Green development, delivering 785 new dwellings and a primary school, to come forward. It is also a key part of the Thanet Transport Strategy, which seeks to serve the development of 17,140 units within the emerging Local Plan and reduce pressure on the existing network. Therefore, the infrastructure would indirectly assist in the delivery of housing across the district, but particularly assisting in relieving traffic on the Haine Road corridor that serves the Eurokent housing site (410 units), Westwood Village (900 units) and existing Westwood Cross development (1000 units). To improve the viability of the development, TDC made the funding bid, which was approved in December 2019, subject to concluding pre-contract and pre-drawdown conditions, which TDC are currently progressing to conclude prior to the end of July 2020. The funding is required to be spent by end of March 2023 and based on the current programme, completion is expected during Summer/Autumn 2022.
Options (other options considered but discarded)
Alternative options for the proposed infrastructure are restricted due to the land constraints, and alignment and layout of the existing highway. Planning for the infrastructure layout was agreed as part of the planning consent for the wider Manston Green development.
As Cabinet Member for Highways & Transport I agree to give:
i) Approval to enter into legal agreements with Thanet District Council to undertake the delivery of the Infrastructure Works at no cost or risk to the County Council.
ii) Approval for KCC officers to project manage, input into the delivery and supervision of the project, with the cost of all staff and consultant time being recoverable against the project funding.
iii) Approval to undertake the detailed design and surveys for the project. This work will be undertaken by appointing a consultant through the KCC professional Services Framework Contract.
iv) Approval to acquire the land and rights for carrying out the construction and maintenance of the Manston Green project. All land is being provided at NIL cost to the project by the development company with an option on the land.
v) Approval to progress all statutory approvals and consents required for the scheme including, drainage and environmental consents and stopping up orders.
vi) Approval to enter into construction contracts as necessary for the delivery of the scheme.
vii) The Corporate Director for Growth, Environment & Transport, under the Officer Scheme of Delegations and in consultation with the Corporate Director for Finance and Procurement, to enter into relevant legal agreements and take other actions necessary to implement this decision
Publication date: 30/07/2020
Date of decision: 30/07/2020
Effective from: 07/08/2020
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