Decision details

21/00003 Market Square, Dover

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Approval for the County Council to enter into legal agreements, as necessary, with Dover District Council for the County Council to act as the delivery partner for the Infrastructure Works associated with the Market Square project. The approval shall include the following:

i)             Approval to enter into legal agreements with Dover District Council to undertake the delivery of the Infrastructure Works at no cost or risk to the County Council.

ii)            Approval for KCC officers to project manage, input into the delivery and supervision of the project, with the cost of all staff and consultant time being recoverable against the project funding.

iii)           Approval to complete the detailed design for the project. This work will be undertaken by a design consultant appointed through the Medway Professional Services Framework Contract.

iv)           Approval to progress all consents required for the scheme including Traffic Regulation Orders.

v)            Approval to enter into construction contracts as necessary for the delivery of the scheme subject to the approval of the recommended procurement strategy.

vi)           Approval for any further decisions required to allow the scheme to proceed through to delivery to be taken by the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment & Transport under the Officer Scheme of Delegations following prior consultation with the Cabinet Member.

Reason for the decision

Dover District Council (DDC) have been successful in a funding bid to MHCLG via the Coastal Communities Fund for the delivery of a public realm improvement project within the Market Square area of the Town Centre.  DDC do not have the in-house resources to deliver a highway project of this scale and have asked KCC to deliver the project on their behalf.


Background – Provide brief additional context

The aim of the Market Square project is to provide a high-quality public realm scheme.  To encourage local growth, provide a safer, more attractive environment for pedestrians, businesses, and residents. Repurposing Dover’s historic Market Square as a hub connecting the local community and tourists alike and to create a multipurpose events space, through providing safer crossing points and increased footway widths for pedestrians, strengthen connections to the St James development, manage the impacts on traffic and improve drop off / pick up logistics for buses and coaches. A key aspect of the project is the replacement of the existing redundant fountain with a new water misting feature.


Options (other options considered but discarded)

The proposed design builds on the previous design  developed by the Dover Town Team, and has evolved following ongoing engagement with DDC and the Dover Town Team and meets the requirements of the funding bid by DDC.


How the proposed decision meets the objectives of ‘Increasing Opportunities, Improving Outcomes: Kent County Council’s Strategic Statement (2015-2020)’

The scheme has a strong fit with the objectives of ‘Increasing Opportunities, Improving Outcomes: Kent County Council’s Strategic Statement (2015-2020)’.


The scheme particularly supports Strategic Outcome 2

·         Kent communities feel the benefits of economic growth by being in work, healthy and enjoying a good quality of life

·         Kent residents enjoy a good quality of life, and more people benefit from greater social, cultural, and sporting opportunities

·         Kent’s physical and natural environment is protected, enhanced, and enjoyed by residents and visitors


The public realm scheme is seen as an opportunity to improve a key focal point for the town centre, draw in additional visitors and to provide a boost to the local economy.


As Cabinet Member for Highways & Transport, I give


i)               Approval to enter into legal agreements with Dover District Council to undertake the delivery of the Infrastructure Works at no cost or risk to the County Council.

ii)              Approval for KCC officers to project manage, input into the delivery and supervision of the project, with the cost of all staff and consultant time being recoverable against the project funding.

iii)            Approval to complete the detailed design for the project. This work will be undertaken by a design consultant appointed through the Medway Professional Services Framework Contract.

iv)            Approval to progress all consents required for the scheme including Traffic Regulation Orders.

v)             Approval to enter into a construction contract through an external competitive tender.

vi)            Approval for any further decisions required to allow the scheme to proceed through to delivery to be taken by the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment & Transport under the Officer Scheme of Delegations following prior consultation with the Cabinet Member


Publication date: 08/02/2021

Date of decision: 08/02/2021

Effective from: 16/02/2021

Accompanying Documents: