Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Proposed decision:
The endorsement and adoption of the updated Network Management Plan in accordance with The Traffic Management Act 2004.
Reason for the decision
- Under the Traffic Management Act 2004 Part Two, a highway authority must ensure the appointed Traffic Manager have provision to ensure the authority carries out it’s responsibilities in line with the Act. We must keep the arrangements under review and be able to provide a document outlining the council’s responsibilities in relation to our Network Management Duty. This is known as the Network Management Plan. The Plan is not intended to change any services or provide new proposals, the document outlines how KCC currently perform the Network Management Duty and how the fundamentals of the Traffic Management Act are embedded throughout Highways and Transportation.
Background – Provide brief additional context
- The Network Management Plan provides an insight into the functions being carried out by Highways and Transportation. It is not intended to be an all-encompassing document which details all responsibilities but provides a strong and clear overview into the general functions carried out by KCC Highways and Transportation.
Options (other options considered but discarded)
- Not applicable in this case as the Council is legally required to provide this document. The detail within the plan is obtained from other sources within the department which are readily available.
How the proposed decision supports the Framing Kent's Future - Our Council Strategy 2022-2026
- The document aligns with many discussion points from Framing Kent’s Future given all of Highways and Transportation’s primary functions work alongside the strategy.
- ‘We will stand up for Kent nationally’ the document is a requirement under National legislation. Other councils continue to update and share their Network Management Plans which ensures our responsibilities are maintained in line with others.
- Our ‘Infrastructure First’ approach is supported within this document which outlines our role in ensuring development and local growth is considered alongside our transport network.
- ‘Infrastructure for communities’ is acknowledged and noted within the document throughout the roles our departments carry out.
- ‘Environmental step change’ is noted throughout the document, particularly the future innovations being carried out on electric vehicles both private and public transport.
How the proposed decision supports Securing Kent’s Future 2022 -2026: Securing Kents Future - Budget Recovery Strategy.pdf
- The Network Management Duty does not require any additional spend to implement. This is a document outlining the responsibilities already undertaken within the council. At its core, the document supports the objections by outlining the work currently being carried out to meet objectives.
As Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport I agree to:
(i) ENDORSE and ADOPT on behalf of Kent County Council the updated Network Management Plan produced by the Network Management Team in accordance with the Traffic Management Act 2004; and
(ii) To DELEGATE authority to the Director of Highways and Transportation to take necessary actions including but not limited to entering into relevant contracts, or other legal agreements to implement this decision
Publication date: 23/01/2025
Date of decision: 23/01/2025
Effective from: 31/01/2025
Accompanying Documents: