Issue - meetings

24/00047 - Services Provided by The Education People

Meeting: 16/05/2024 - Children's, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee (Item 22)

24/00047 - Services Provided by The Education People

Additional documents:


David Adams, Assistant Director - Education (South Kent) and Christine McInnes, Director of Education were in attendance for this item.


1.    Mr Adams introduced the report. 


2.    Further to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that:

·   The corporate overhead costs included items such as management costs, building costs and insurance.  Mr Adams offered to provide Mr Brady with a more detailed breakdown of the overhead costs after the meeting.

·   An assessment needed to be made of the condition and suitability of the equipment held at the Emporium.  Where possible the equipment would be made available to children with SEND.

·   Members’ comments regarding the need to review the viability of The Education People (TEP)  and outdoor learning services were taken on board.

·   Some of the proposed savings were to be achieved at sites that were currently closed or would become unavailable for use in the near future.  In cases where these assets were owned by the Council, they would be subject to the Council’s asset disposal process.


3.    RESOLVED that the Cabinet Committeeendorse the proposed decision that the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, in consultation with Cabinet Member for Integrated Children’s Services, agree to:


a)    to reduce the value of the core contract with The Education People by £0.9m over the next 2 years through the changes to the service specification set out in Table 1 and Appendix A of the decision report;

b)    to delegate authority to Director of Education & SEN to take the necessary actions to implement the decision.


Meeting: 06/03/2024 - Children's, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee (Item 22)

Services Provided by The Education People

Additional documents:


David Adams, Assistant Director - Education (South Kent) and Christine McInnes, Director of Education were in attendance for this item.


  1. Mr Adams introduced the report.


  1. Further to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that:

·       Officers had worked with The Education People (TEP) to identify where cost savings could be made in areas that were least needed.  

·       There were a number of elements that would be worked through and that could lead to the development of proposals.

·       Music in schools had not been something that KCC had been involved in.  

·       The potential infrastructure and management savings were significantly less than the savings identified elsewhere. Back office and overhead cost savings should be proportionate to savings elsewhere.

·       Any decisions would be made by the Cabinet Member following appropriate consultation.


  1. RESOLVED that the Cabinet Committee:


a)  Note the progress made to date.


b)  Note that following the outcome of consultations, the Cabinet Member may take further relevant key decisions in line with the Council’s decision-making procedures.