Issue - meetings

Follow-up Items from Cabinet Scrutiny Committee

Meeting: 21/07/2010 - Cabinet Scrutiny Committee (Item 59)

59 Follow-up Items from Cabinet Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 60 KB

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(1)   Mr Burr explained that the gulley emptying schedules would be issued to Members in the next few weeks. 


(2)   Regarding Kent Design Guide, a report was being submitted to the Environment, Highways and Waste Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee concerning the ways in which Kent Highways Services and the Kent Design Initiative were working with development partners to test the robustness of Interim Guidance Note 3.  The report also indicated that further public consultation would be undertaken as residential parking policies were developed at district level. 


(3)   Members had invited Mr R Gough and Ms T Oliver to answer any questions Members might have on the Kent Digital Service follow up item.  A report had been circulated to Members answering questions raised at the Cabinet Scrutiny Committee meeting on 9 April.  Members confirmed that they were satisfied with the reasons behind using TUPE and that their questions on this issue had been answered. 


(4)   Mrs Oliver confirmed that now the new team had been established, she had transferred the Digital Kent team to the Communications and Media team, reporting to Ms Jane Clarke to be part of the overall communications agenda.  Mr Gough explained that it was intended that a cross party group be set up which would be reported through the Corporate Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  The Chairman thanked Mr Gough for his introduction and explained that a report on how the Scrutiny Committees could work with the media was recently discussed by the Scrutiny Board and this work could all tie in together. 


(5)   Mr Manning asked for clarification on the schedule of work, which elements had gone out live and which were for broadcasting at a later date.  Mrs Oliver referred to page 4 of the supplementary report on Kent Digital Service and explained that 87 films had been made and were live on the system since April.  The ‘acquired by Kent County Council’ (KCC) videos had been commissioned by KCC departments but not produced by the Digital Kent team, the ‘acquired other’ had been made independently of KCC but the content was relevant to the KCC website, this was not at cost to the Council. 


(6)   The Chairman reminded Members that a further presentation on the Future of Older Persons’ Provision had been offered to Members and was being held on 26 July at 3.30pm. 


RESOLVED: that Members note the follow up items report and the response to previous recommendations.