Issue - meetings

Select Committee - update

Meeting: 29/06/2010 - Children, Families & Education - Vulnerable Children and Partnerships Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 36)

36 Select Committee - Update pdf icon PDF 46 KB

Additional documents:


(Report by Mr P Wickenden, Overview, Scrutiny and Localism Manager)



(1)   Members considered a report on the progress of the Select Committee on Extended Services and the request for suggestion of future topics for the Select Committee Review Programme.


(2)   Mr Smith spoke as a Member of the Select Committee for Extended Services expressing his view of the timing of the Select Committee Review coinciding with the Children, Families and Education Directorate restructure.  He advised that the message that was coming from the evidence gathering the Committee carried out included that External Services added real value, that there were likely to be budgetary cuts to the service, it was more likely to be sustainable if 4-5 schools grouped together.


(3)   Members raised their concerns regarding the impact that any cuts to the Extended Services would have for vulnerable children and were anxious to raise their concerns as a matter of urgency.  The Chairman said that she would refer the matter to Mr Burgess, Chairman of the Select Committee and Mr Ridings, Deputy Cabinet Member.


(4)    RESOLVED that:


(a)   the comments and questions raised by Members, be noted


(b)   the progress of the Select Committee for External Services be noted and the concerns of  the Committee regarding the impact of any cuts to External Services would have on vulnerable children be referred to Mr Burgess, Chairman of the Select Committee and Mr Ridings, Deputy Cabinet Member by the Chairman; and


(c)   Members of the Committee agreed to advise the Democratic Services Officer of any items that they would like to suggest for inclusion in the Select Committee topic review programme outside the meeting be noted.