Issue - meetings

Select Committee - update

Meeting: 25/05/2010 - Environment, Highways and Waste Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 11)

11 Select Committee - Update pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Additional documents:


Select Committee: Renewable Energy

(1)       Further to Minute 9 of 25 March 2010, the Select Committee had continued with its evidence gathering meetings; attended conferences; and made visits that included Pine Calyx, nr Dover and Renewable Energy Systems Holdings Limited.  The Select Committee was now looking to form its recommendations and write its report by the end of July.


Suggestions for Select Committee Topic Reviews

(2)     The Scrutiny Board at its meeting on 24 February 2010 received an update on the current Select Committee topic review programme.  Although resources to support reviews were all currently allocated, there would be the potential to start new reviews in November 2010 and January 2011.  It was agreed that Members be asked to consider whether there were any topics that they would like to put forward for consideration for inclusion in the future topic review programme.


(3)          RESOLVED that:-


(a)     the report be noted; and


(b)   Members submit any suggestions for the 2010/11 Select Committee Topic  Review Programme to Karen Mannering.