Issue - meetings

Follow-up Items from Cabinet Scrutiny Committee

Meeting: 09/02/2011 - Cabinet Scrutiny Committee (Item 4)

4 Follow-up Items from Cabinet Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 44 KB

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Mr J Burr, Director of Kent Highway Services. was present for this item.


(1) Mr Christie made the point that, taking into account the volume and timing of the information provided in respect of the Older Person’s Modernisation recommendations, it was difficult to do the papers justice. The Chairman explained that she was reluctant to defer discussing the follow-up items, but would return to the Older Person’s Modernisation recommendations at the next meeting of the Committee.


(2) Regarding the recommendation relating to gulley emptying schedules, the Chairman explained that this would remain outstanding until a report was provided by Mr Burr in the autumn. Mr Kit Smith added that the public should be made aware of the good work the Council was doing around this issue, including being reported through Joint Transportation Boards (JTBs).


(3) On the Kent Design Guide, the Chairman referred Members to the update provided by Environment, Highways and Waste in the follow-up items report. In light of the announcement by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government that maximum parking standards would be delegated to local planning authorities and the fact that the Kent Planning Officers’ Group (KPOG) was happy with the Guide, Mr Burr had asked that the Council leave the Guide as it stood.


(4) There was a discussion about whether the previous representations made about the Guide had hindered KCC’s relationship with district councils and developers. Mr Burr explained that the time taken to revisit the guide had not helped this relationship, and that the district councils, via KPOG, had asked the Council to leave the Guide as it stood. The Chairman felt that the Kent Design Guide had been pursued by the Committee as far as was possible, and that given the statement by the Secretary of State about planning decisions being taken at a district level, it should be removed from the list of outstanding recommendations.


(5) On the Review of SEN Units, the Chairman expressed disappointment that the report that would be taken to the Children, Families and Education Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and to Cabinet on 18 July 2011, could not be made available sooner, since schools were awaiting guidance on handling the SEN issue. On the Inspection of Safeguarding and Looked After Children Services, the Chairman explained that the Committee were awaiting a copy of the improvement plan in order that it could scrutinise it.


(6) In respect of recommendation 9 of the Older Persons Modernisation item, Mr Sass explained that he had attended a meeting with Mr Wild together with one of his senior solicitors and KASS officers, and that Mr Wild would give his opinion on the validity of the consultation in due course.


(7) There was discussion about Member involvement, in respect of recommendation 11 of Older Persons Modernisation. Mr Christie made the point that the closure of The Limes in Dartford, whilst not in his division, had a knock-on effect on a home that was, and therefore  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4