Issue - meetings

Review Funding Formula for Schools

Meeting: 02/02/2011 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Revenue & Capital Budget Monitoring Exception Report pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Additional documents:


– Report by Cabinet Member for Finance and Acting Director of Finance)


 (1)      Mr Simmonds gave an update on the current position with both the Revenue and Capital budgets and highlighted the actions being taken within   the revenue budget to ensure that the forecast under spend of £5.5m was achieved, since that was a committed contribution to next year’s budget. Mr Simmonds also highlighted recognised pressures within the CFE and KASS budgets which would need to be managed.  


(2)       Mr Carter said that he had had an assurance from the Chief Management Team that the required budget savings would be delivered. Mr Carter also said the Council was still robustly pursuing with government its claims for the payment of asylum costs and he updated the meeting on discussions he had had with the Leaders of Hillingdon and Solihul Councils who had found themselves in similar circumstances to that of Kent. Mr Carter said there was to be a meeting with the Home Office Minister at which he would be asking why the unmet costs agreed with the Home Office some 18 months ago were still outstanding.


(3)       Cabinet resolved:


(a) to note the latest forecast revenue and capital budget monitoring position for 2010-11.


(b) to note the intended £0.700m contribution to the Restructure Reserve funded from the under spending within the Finance portfolio to cover the anticipated costs of Personnel & Development and ICT support during the transformation of the Council.


(c) to note  the changes to the capital programme; and,


(d) that £2.051m of re-phasing on the capital programme be moved from 2010-11 capital cash limits to future years.